Chapter 37 - Jealousy Takes Over

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Chapter 37 - Mitch's POV

"Where to now ?" I ask .

"Back to Noah .. he wants me to come back for some reason ." She replies .

"Can I come with ?" I ask .

"Of course Mitch ." She says , and then out of no where , I take her hand .

She was just too beautiful , and I couldn't resist .

She was shocked , and she looked up at me and looked into my eyes .

"Your beautiful , Brenna ." I say .

She blushes and smiles . "Thanks Mitch .. uhmm ... we should get going ..." she trails off .

"Ohh yea ..." I say and let go of her hand because clearly , we both felt really uncomfortable .

We walk back over to Noah , and I say goodbye because I have to get over to my booth .

I was headed back to my booth , when a familiar guy stopped me .

"You think you can get Brenna just like that ? Try again buddy ."

and a fist gets thrown and my face .

Jordan's POV

I was playing a game at the machinina booth and from the corner of my eye , I saw Brenna .

I turned my head and her and Mitch holding hands .

Wait a minute ... Mitch ? she's falling for Mitch ? he's not even that good looking ! (that's Definetly a lie , Mitch is hot😍)

Boy I outta ... I'm going to show him who boss .

Right as I go to get them , they walk away somewhere .

I decided to follow a bit behind them , but Mitch turns around and comes back .

Nows my chance .

"You think you can get Brenna just like that ? Try again buddy ." I say , and push my fist in his face .

He stumbles backwards , trying to gain balance .

"What was that fo- JORDAN ?!?!" Mitch says whilst holding his nose . "Why the fuck would you punch me !"

"Because your trying to steel my girl!" I say clenching my fists.

"She's not your girl anymore !" He says , then swinging a punch at my face .

This fight is going to make us both look bad .

I stumble back , and lift up my arm to throw another punch but before I do ...

"STOP !" Brenna yells , as she runs over to Mitch .

"What the hell is wrong with you Jordan ?" Noah says , from behind Brenna .

"Nothing ! I'm just protecting my girl from this stupid bastard." I say pointing at Mitch .

"I'm not your girl , asshole . But he's not a stupid bastard.. he's smarter than you , isn't he?" Brenna says smirking a bit . "I know you won't dare hit me Jordan , but I know your thinking about it . but I got a few words for you , Mr. Tough Boy ."

Brennas POV

Noah and I heard screaming and yelling from the Machinima booth, so We thought We'd go check it out .

It wasn't rage screaming , it was a fight .

I looked closely to see who it was and it was no other than Jordan , and Mitch .

Wait ... MITCH ?!?!

"STOP !" I yell , as I runs over to Mitch .

"What the hell is wrong with you Jordan ?" Noah says , from behind me.

"Nothing ! I'm just protecting my girl from this stupid bastard." He says pointing at Mitch .

"I'm not your girl , asshole . But he's not a stupid bastard.. he's smarter than you , isn't he?" I say , smirking a bit . "I know you won't dare hit me Jordan , but I know your thinking about it . but I got a few words for you , Mr. Tough Boy ."

I go on .

"You know , you will never get me back get it through your head." I say as more and more fans surround us . "I could never fall in love with someone who was a player , but I did and it was a mistake . I can't believe I even fell for you ! I did because I thought you were different ... but turns out you were like the rest of them .. same with Brayden over here . he was a player too , never should've fell in love with him ." I say pointing at Brayden , who was next to Vikk and Noah . "But Ive fell in love with so many people , but the one I'm in love with right now , might be in love with me too ." I say looking at Mitch . he slightly smiles , and we both can tell where this is going . I look back up at Jordan . "Jordan , I will never fall in love with you again ... I have fallen in love with Mitch." I hear gasps , but I ignore them .

I look down and Mitch , and he's way ahead of me . he smashes his lips to mine , and it felt like fireworks , out lips moving in sync .

Once we release , everyone stares at is in shock , including Jordan .

I don't really care , he means nothing to me .

A couple minutes later , most of the fans clear the area , and go back to what they were doing .

I grab Mitches hand and pull him up .

"So does this mean we are a thing?" I ask .

"Only if you want to be." He says and takes my hand .

"Of course I do ." I say as we walk over to Jordan.

I raise mine and Mitches intertwined hands up .

"I love Mitch . Don't ever try to contact me Again , Fuck You!" I say and punch him in the face .

He stumbles back a bit , and he looked shocked .

"Don't come crying to me when little Mitch here breaks your heart." He says and walks away.

"YOURE JUST JEALOUS! And Trust me , I won't . the first one I will go to is Noah , but I don't think Mitch will break my heart , unlike you did !" I scream back at him .

I turn around and pull Mitch along as we go get Noah .


PAX day one is coming to an end , and let's say I'm pretty tired .

"Can we go now Noah ?" I ask as he signs something for his fan .

"Yea Brenna , chill . I hve to grab my coat then we can go ." He replies .

I roll my eyes . Mitch left about a half hour ago , and I'm bored .

Noah finally grabs his coat and walks Over to me . "Ready?"

"I've been ready for the past half hour . lets go!" I say as I hop onto Noah's back and he carries me out to the car .

We hop into the car , and drive back to the hotel .

PAX day 1 , complete .



hi .

Thanks for reading !


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