"In with the new"

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A few years have passed and I feel better now I changed my look completely. I made a new friends that one called Kaitlyn she's my main , and then there's Jayden his my Male best friend who's in a wheel chair but his so lovely and he has a heart so does Kaitlyn.

I started a dating sight because I was bored and wanted to meet someone new. So I signed up hours have passed and this really hot guy caught my eye, so I pressed show an interest. That I did and then he clicked the same thing with my profile I was happy and excited because someone's actually interested in me.

I popped him a message, taking a deep breath
"Hey" I said waiting nervously for a reply.
Stuart replied and we started talking we talked for hours and fast forward two years went by and we finally arrange a day to meet. I was so nervous I was hesitating weather to go or not in the end I did go, I made an effort but not too much of an effort I was shy and nervous so I brought a fresh twenty deck of sterling cigarettes. I arrived at Robs at quarter past nine my nerves kicked in even more and then I saw him.

He was so handsome I was love struck, he was tallish with thick dark hair dark brown eyes and a cheeky smile that glowed. Everything started of smoothly introducing myself he introduced himself and greeted me with a hug which was more relaxing for me helped me relax more. Rob signed me in and we we took the lift to his floor and we arrived two minutes later we arrived to his room when he opened his door I was shocked to see how clean and organised his room was it amazed me.

He told me to relax and eventually I did and when rob also relaxed we ended up talking for hours making each other laugh and eventually we felt comfortable enough be relax and be ourselves. And that we did Rob asked me if i smoked cannabis I replied yes he then asked if I could roll I replied back yes confidently. He gave me the equipment and then I started rolling a spliff for both of us to share, surprisingly I rolled a pretty good one. Anyways moving along now we covered up everything so the smell didn't tremble, after we smoked the spliff between us we both began to feel extremely high. And out of randomness we start giggling then we put on a movie 🍿 🎥 cuddled up on his bed and watched it three hours later the movie ended and then it was that time to part ways and say goodbye for another day.

Rob walked me to the bus stopped and waited for it to arrive and for me to get on it fifteen minutes later my bus arrived finically we parted ways with a cuddle goodbye and then out of no where rob kissed me tremble through my spine butterflies going crazy in my tummy goose bumps appearing on my skin this was it the start and beginning of something special. As we parted ways I took one more glare back before I stepped on the bus tapped my oyster and took a seat at the back of the bus, plugged in my headphones , then put on some really loud music.

An hour later I finically arrive at my stop I press the bell on the bus so that the door can slide open and it did I got off the bus with a massive smile glowing on my face.
I couldn't wait to send rob a text message when I got home and indoors,
"I can't wait to see him again." I said to my self with excitement.

So I arrived home, had my dinner then shower then got ready for bed. Then I settled my self in bed and sent rob a text.


Sorry guys and girls this chapter is a bit shorter than the last three chapters only reason for that is basically Sasha is meeting rob for the first time they meet they get to know each other and feelings start to escalate extremely quickly. As I've given two hints in the last chapter the next chapter will reveal 2 more hints for the next two chapters..... Enjoy 😉

The Heart Of Love ❤️ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now