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Why do you even fake being friends with me,
When it clearly shows that all we could ever be is enemies.
Why do you try to fake your emotions with ease,
When it's crystal clear that you get pleasure out of these blatant dreams.

You can slap me left and right,
You can be short tempered and unfaithfully outright.
But don't you ever dare to think of coaxing me into believing that
You're the epitome of serenity and light.

You do nothing but deplete me into shards of glass,
Rip me from the edges and tear my heart apart.
By ridiculing me behind my back with hurtful words,
And putting up a facade of being benevolent and suffocatingly dear.

Note: Hey guys! This poem is written on some friends who are fake. They try to show that they're sweet and loving, but all they do behind your back is talk shit about you. Don't hesitate to abandon these friends because it's only going to hurt you even more in the future.

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