Chapter 1: Hello

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You're The Reason

Chapter 1:Hello

"Chloe! Chloe!" Aubrey shook the girl awake. Chloe groaned and whined, covering her head with a pillow. Aubrey shook her again. "Chloe! Auditions for the Bella's are today! Come on we don't want to be late." Chloe stirred around in her bed, noticing her best friend was already dressed and ready to go.

"Bree, give me five more minutes, auditions are at noon and its eight in the morning." She mumbled with her tired morning voice. She climbed out of bed so Aubrey would stop pestering her. She opened the blinds of their apartment and started to make the coffee. She changed her clothes and put on an orange blouse and jeans, leaving her perfectly wavy hair down by her shoulders.

Chloe was what you would call every teenage boys fantasy, every guy on campus wanted to date her, and if they didn't want to date her they wanted to do her. Sadly to all the boys on campus she was taken by her boyfriend Tom Gregson. They were like the most attractive couple on campus, her with her gorgeous blue eyes and perfectly wavy red hair; porcelain skin as well as a gorgeous smile and fit as hell body with perfect curves. Plus a singing voice that could melt your heart like fire melts a candle.

Tom had short brown hair and perfect brown eyes. He was a track athlete so he also was super fit. They had been dating since their sophomore year of college. The perfect couple in everyone's eyes. Chloe was pretty sure she was going to marry him. Or so she thought.

Once Chloe had finished getting ready for the day she decided to break in a couple extra minutes of studying since she had a big test coming up for psychology.

Baker Hall was quiet that morning, like it was every morning.

Beca slept in her bed soundly while her roommate Kimmy Jin got up to leave for her first class. When she heard the door close, the young freshman woke up from her peaceful rest. A yawn escaped her mouth and she sat up from her bed, instantly going to her music equipment.

Beca Mitchell, how could one describe her. She was an outsider, a person who likes to be alone, to keep her feeling to herself and shut other's out because eventually she wouldn't matter to them anymore.

She was the child of John Mitchell, who taught at Barden. Her mom had left her father

for some asshole a couple years before Beca graduated high school, and ever since her daughter had been a non social teen who didn't really give a damn about the outside world.

Her father had made her go to college for a year and they had made a deal, if Beca showed that she was trying to be a part of something special, then when her year at Barden was over she could head to LA and become a music producer. So far none of the clubs on campus seemed to intrigue her. All except one.

It was this a Capella group called the Barden Bella's.

Now to be clear, Beca thought a Capella was truly lame, but she still wanted to join the club. And not so her dad would get off her back, but because this club had the most beautiful girl in the world as one of their leaders. Beca never had caught her name, but she knew that face was one she'd never forget. The way she walked and smiled made Beca weak in the knees. Not to mention the fact that she had seen this girl naked when the redhaired beauty barged in on her shower.

At first Beca was freaked out, but damn that girl had body that could stop traffic.

That's why she was gonna try to join this group, to try and get close to this girl. Beca had known she herself was into girls since freshman year. She wasn't a virgin, in fact she had banged four girls in high school, so she got around pretty well. But as much of a ladies lady she was, Beca was only focused on this girl in the a Capella group. Not just for possibly getting laid, but for a genuine first relationship.

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