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Welcome to my first ever story here! I really hope this ends up being good and people enjoy it.

This isn't the first story I've ever written, but to you guys, it's most likely the first that you've seen from me.

Just a little thing to be aware of before you read this and while you read this: this IS technically a fanfiction in the sense that it takes place in the universe and during the events of World of Warcraft, but uses an unofficial character within the game.

Yes, that character is my own character, and yes, she is level-capped and I raid with her when I have a subscription. However, this is NOT a self-insert. Huiliang the Monk is nothing like me and never will represent me. She is her own character, and is completely fictional.

Also, because this is set in the universe of World of Warcraft, some events and characters may be difficult to follow and understand. I will do my best to explain the story, as this is from Huiliang's perspective and everything is mostly completely new to her too. I aim to teach you about what Huiliang is learning. Hopefully it works.

On another note, I may or may not be slow to update. It depends on whether or not I have any ideas, to be honest. With continued support, it'll be easier for me to continue updating at a regular pace, or at least fairly often. I'll aim for at least a chapter a week, but I have standards.

These chapters will be at least 2,000 words long, so there won't be short little filler chapters that you can breeze through in five minutes. I want this to be a deeper experience that effectively tells an intricate story, as there is much to tell about. If you're looking for short and sweet, this is not for you. Maybe I will eventually put up something short and sweet that I've written, but I may not.

For some perspective, this is the 335th word in this introduction.

Feel free to leave any kind of feedback you want to. I will read everything and probably even message you a thanks or a reply to your comments. I appreciate all kinds of feedback, whether it's negative or positive.

Thanks ahead of time, and I look forward to going on this journey with you all!

- Valarana

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