Chapter 1: The Initiate

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When I was a little girl, I hadn't realized that there was a world outside of Pandaria and the Wandering Isle. Everyone I knew and everything I heard was from the Wandering Isle, or from the shores of Pandaria. I've never actually been to Pandaria, and I don't think I'll ever get to see it. The mainland is simply too far away and those who leave on boats to find the misty continent hardly ever return, and those who do return don't say anything about what they saw.

It's possible all of those who didn't return have been lost at sea, sucked into the abyss of the Maelstrom in the center of the ocean, where the sea gives way into a seemingly bottomless hole. I've never seen the Maelstrom either, but I've heard the stories. Rumor has it that a single Shaman and his wife hold the balance of the area, stopping the chasm from engulfing everything.

I don't believe it, but that's the story.

I can't say that I was able to live like all the other Wandering Isle Pandaren before me, though. I won't be able to live my whole life and die a peaceful death on the island.

And to that I say, "Damn the Horde."


As I grew up, I learned the sacred martial art that all Pandaren learn. Of course, it's not for fighting or defending yourself. It's just an art, almost like a dance. I've been learning the rolls and turns since I was old enough to walk.

It's not all about learning the moves, though. I've spent countless hours meditating and doing yoga before and after training. Learning the martial art is my one passion, and it drives me in everything I do.

I arrive at the school grounds early in the morning to meet with my instructor. Today is the day I'm supposed to become a fully-fledged Monk, one of the highest honors on the island. Many train their whole lives and never reach this point. As I bow to Master Shang Xi, a messenger jogs to his side, looking worn and out of breath, as if he had just run around the entire Wandering Isle.

"An urgent message for the academy, Master Shang Xi," the messenger pants. He offers a scroll, which Shang Xi gently takes from him and unrolls. After reading a few lines, the look in his eyes changes from his usual gentle, guiding gaze to one I've never seen before. Concern.

Master Shang Xi clenches his fists and grits his teeth. The wrinkles on his forehead deepen, and he turns to me. "Huiliang," he says, "the academy is in a state of emergency. If you were any other student, I wouldn't ask this of you, but I need you."

Worried by his change in demeanor, I ask, "What's going on? Am I not getting initiated?"

"You are, I promise," he assures me, "however, your initiation is not going to be anything like you thought, I'm sorry to say. I'm going to need to train you and the other capable students how to fight. There's been an invasion."

Fighting? Never, in the entire history of Azeroth, have Pandaren fought against an invader. Fighting is unheard of on the Wandering Isle! I've never hurt anything, not even the tiny bugs that get caught in my fur. I'm probably the least suited for the job at hand. At least other students have the guts to hit the training dummies!

"Huiliang," Master Shang Xi must have seen my panic. "I need your help. I know you dislike the very thought of fighting, but you need to learn. The whole isle needs you now."

I exhale the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding and nod stiffly. "I can do it. I can't possibly let you down, Master." With a bow, I silently apologize for my lie. I can't do this. I can't fight, even if my life is in danger. Even if the whole island is in danger.

"Let us proceed, then. You have much to learn," Master Shang Xi stands and bows to the messenger, who then begins jogging to his next stop. "We'll need to alert everyone in the school, and provide them with whatever we can use for weapons." I follow him to a rack of staves, and he hands me the one I've always used for practice. "Huiliang, I need you to go and ring the bell to get everyone out here. I will continue gathering weapons for them."

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