What's going on in my life?

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I don't think I can handle life much more, it just so tough, it's growing to be too much for me to put up with...

My best friend means everything to me and if I ever lost them I'd commit suicide and that's the truth! My best friend keeps saying and doing things that can get them hurt and I seriously wouldn't be able to handle the pain of my one true friend. Sometimes I hear these things that they're doing and I just; break down into tears and I can't get out of that tremendous emotional state! Because of my best friend I actually have emotions other than mad and completely pissed off, and most times all I ever feel is depression and hatred and guilt and weak, and now especially..... Sadness!
I especially feel sad when my friend tells me how much they want to be taken out of this hell of a world or how they self harm... Most times I personally feel responsible for these things and it kills me everyday. To be honest when I found out that they might have a ligament disease my heart fucking sank I thought I could lose my best friend! I know that you're reading this and saying that I'm not responsible but that's how I feel okay. You're struggling, we're both struggling, I care about you and I will never stop caring, I love you and I'll never stop loving you, you are my best friend and that will NEVER I mean NEVER change! And if it does it's my loss cause you're the most amazing person in the world fWend you know that, I can't help but to blame myself for most things, you need to understand that! To those who are reading this, think twice before you speak, think twice before you go and ruin someone's day cause it could be their last!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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