Chapter Four: Dreams

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The rest of the evening and night was rather uneventful, so I decided to sleep. Dreams came and went, a few waking me up. I just dozed off again if they did, my vision too fuzzy from sleep to make anything out.

I was at a soireé, my dress the darkest of blues, but my chest was bound. I stood alone in the corner of the room, looking around awkwardly. But I wasn't alone for long. A few men from the crew came up to me, laughing as they asked what a man was doing in a dress. Wait...crew? Man? I wasn't a- Oh. Right. My dream self only smiled and retaliated, sending the men into hysterics. They hooted and hollered as I went away hurriedly, searching for a place to be safe from their mocking cackles. I ran into the last thing I wanted to, another member of the crew. But this one wasn't laughing.

I swallowed and looked up as they took one of my hands, their head tilted. They asked what I was smiling about, and I realized I was smiling. I just shrugged and looked away.

"Wvell...wvould you like to dance?"

My face became light red as I looked back up and nodded. He practically swept me off my feet as he went to the center of the room, one hand still holding mine, the other on my waist. And we danced, just like that, for the rest of the night, our laughs filling the air around us.

I was awoken by the sound of someone clearing their throat, almost impatiently. Sitting up, I stretched looking around. Great. I was still on the ship. And land was nowhere to be seen.

"Havwe a nice dream? You wvere smilin'." I heard Cronus say quietly.

"Oh...yeah. It was nice I guess.." I rubbed my eyes, highly aware that my cheeks were probably rosy. "Where are we headed?"

"No idea. Captain doesn't tell us anythin' so wve're just kinda in the wvater about things."

I tried not to laugh. I really did. But saying 'in the water' when you're sailing kind of tickles my funny bone.

"Wvhat are ya laughin' about? And don't tell me it wvas somethin' a friend of yourself told ya before ya left." He raised an eyebrow, waiting for my response.

"It's nothing..." I rubbed my face and took a breath, noticing his expression was getting a little annoyed. "Really. It was nothing. Don't worry about it."

He looked at me as if he didn't believe me but didn't press me about it. He did, however, ask me about my dream.

"O-Oh. Uhm. I...I was at some kind of party or something. Nothing really fantastic." I managed to get out.

He nodded and once again didn't press me. Maybe he was used to getting the bare minimum details. I didn't question it. I was slightly glad that he didn't try and haggle more details out of me. That would have made for more uncomfortable conversation that I don't think I could handle.

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