4 Breakout part 2

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"Now you are lieing I know you cheated!  You will have to go back to basics!"  Lizzy passed the room back and forth.  She stopped and banged the ruler on the small desk.  Her the madness in her blue eyes  meeting the astonished eyes of  Alan and Kathy. 

Two day had it really been two days.  Yes and Lizzy knew every one of them by memory etched into her brain. "I have marked your paper Lizzy, I do not like to made a fool of child." Alan said with a sigh, as he sat behind his great big desk. "What? I did your stupid exam." Lizzy said with a smile.  "You cheated no one could get a 98% on that test it is for Year twelve kids not year 5 students!" Alan said.  "Really?" Lizzy said with pride. "I will have to tell Daddy when I see him." She continued.  

"Don't get smart with me Missy!" Alan said starting to lose his cool.  "When did you break into my office?"Alan said.  "I didn't 'break in' to your office.  Why would I want to?" Lizzy said shaking her head.  "To steal the test you silly girl, and god knows what else." Alan replied.  "Now you will have to take another standard test from your own year.  I have had Mr Gordon fax it to me." Alan said.  "Oh goodie!" Lizzy said.  "I told you before what i will do to you for such talk, and in case you were wondering I told Mr Gordon what you did." Alan said.

"But I didn't do anything!" Lizzy said.  "Manners girl, if you did not do it someone did so you will all do two extra runs on the obstical course today!  That will make you think about stealing again."  Alan said with satisfaction.   "I DIDN'T DO IT!  Ahhh I passed the test ME!  I am super smart!  The teachers at school said so too!" Lizzy screamed.  "Three times! NOW get out of my office, before I spank you." Alan said.

"You and whose army mate?" Lizzy said.  Alan rose from the chair very controlled.  "Just ME!" Alan said.  He grabbed Lizzy and put her over hid knee and hit her bottom with his metal ruler.  Lizzy screamed and kicked when she finally stopped fighting he droped her from his knee the floor.  "Now you have earned the team and you included five times!" Alan said.


"What ya up to smarty pants?" Samantha asked Lucy.  "Not much.  I am not smart, I am average. Lizzy is the smart one.  She is doing work that high school kids do in her class." Lucy said.  "What the fuck.  How did ya both get caught if ya so smart?" Samantha said.  "Well we were in the store we had what we wanted.  Then Lizzy seen a necklace for Mum.  She just had to have it.  That final one was the downfall.  She went to a different man at the counter.  He seen what she had been doing and pushed the silent alarm."  Lucy said.  "What was she doin?" Samantha said.  "She was using what Lizzy calls the force!  All it is is mind control." Lucy said.

"Mind control?  Wow I would love to meet your sister." Samantha said.  "I would love to see her now I would stab her right in that blue eye of hers!" Lucy said with vengeance. "Girlie 98, 99 what are we here for?" asked one of the guards.  "Social time?' Lucy said with a smile.  "You girlie 99 to the cold for the day!" Guard number two said.  "What?  This place sucks!" Lucy said throwing down her shovel she had been shoveling snow with.

"Keep it up girlie 99 and it will be for another day." Guard said.  "Well why not make it two days.  I have no where else I have to be right now." Lucy said with vengeance.  "Move!" Guard said.  "Make me!" Lucy said doping to her knees. The guard picked Lucy up from the frozen ground like a sac of potatoes and carried her to the cold room and slammed the door.  "I HATE YOU LIZZY!" Shouted Lizzy into the darkness.  


"Where's Lucy and Lizzy Daddy?  Jared said they were away like Mummy.  Why are they not here it will be tristmist soon." Sabiene said not quite getting Christmas out. "Yes ... they are at ... no they are in a prison because they stone from the shop." Joker said.  "No really Daddy?" Ezra said his eyes as big as Sabine's. "Unfortunately yes my big people."  Joker said a little deflated.  "You seem down today Daddy.  Do you miss Mummy?" Sabiene asked.  "Yes." Said Joker the simple word spoken hung in the room. "We miss Mummy too." Ezra said going over to hug his farther.  Joker felt the little arms around is waist as he felt ..... no ....... he wanted revenge for that Rick Flag taking his girls again! "You know what people Daddy's gonna find Mummy and get her back!" Joker said with a smile forming on his face.  "You go get Mummy!" Screamed the twins jumping up and down.

Joker And Harley Quinn daughter Lucy Lizzy Two🎭Where stories live. Discover now