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The Jolly Roger eased into port, far from home and looking very out of place.

On its deck, a crew swarmed. A rag-tag bunch made up of men of all shapes and sizes scurried about, manning the sails and dropping the hefty anchor into the gently tossing waters below.

A confused-looking man made his way down the dock, eyeing the massive ship with a certain wariness. Among the power boats and small yachts, the creaking wooden vessel was a sight to behold.

Even more than the ship itself, its Captain was a sight.

Standing tall and proud on the bow with a spyglass in one hand, Hook looked out over the other ships in port. One dark eyebrow arched in amusement.

"Well, men, it doesn't look like we'll have any competition in these waters!" he shouted.

The pirates on the Jolly Roger's deck laughed heartily, even as they attended their duties. The sails furled into their places at the height of each of the three masts. The anchor's chain lost its tautness as the weight hit the sea floor.

With a careless swish of his coat, one that had clearly started its life modeled after a military jacket and somehow lost its way, Hook leapt down onto the deck to lend his one good hand to the task of securing the ship to the moorings.

The poor dockworker was peering up at the men on the ship, wondering silently if these men were in town for some sort of Renaissance Faire or something. Eventually, he worked up the nerve to shout, "Hey! What're you doing?"

Hook leaned over the side of his ship. With a laugh, he said, "We're a bit late, I admit, but..." He glanced over his shoulder at his men before turning back to the dockworker with a smile. "...we're coming home."

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