Chapter 9

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A/N: Have a great weekend and Happy Friday and i'm going to put my birthday in this chapter and i have no clue why. Enjoy!! I'll be updating this chapter to make it a little longer and better.

I love my family, friends, and my ex, but my favorite cousin is threatening to hurt him if he hurts me more than he did on my 15th birthday this year. Well before my ex was my ex he was the amazing person that ever came into my life. I wish I had never let him go... I miss him. He was my first boyfriend and I messed it all up. I sometimes hate myself for it and I don't know if he will talk to me even if he does what am I supposed to say, something like this? "Hey, i'm sorry and i still like you." Like that would help because i can barley look at him now. Its really is my fault, i ruined our relationship, i totaled it... How can I miss him so much and never get him back? He scared me today when i was on my phone and minding my own business. He called out boo when I was just standing there. Sometimes I hate him and sometimes I love him even more when he scares me lol. I know people don't really care how I feel but i know how I feel. I hate it when people get bullied and I hate it when I get bullied, but my friends hate it more than I do. I can't help but feel bad and helpless when I can't do anything about it. I love Hunter, my family,  and my friends, but I don't know how long my friends will be there for me. My friends are everything to me and so is Hunter... I thought I would get over losing my friends and Hunter, but I never have... I don't know what i would do if I didn't have people who didn't really care at all. I've been writing songs to help cope with the loss of my friends and family. Writing doesn't really help, but it helps me to become a better writer and a better person. When I was dating Hunter I was mean, cussing, now I regret cussing and hurting him... He is a good part of my life and so is my friends. It's hard not to cry in front of my friends, since i'm still grieving the death of my grandma. It's hard to cope, because this is going to be the first Christmas that I have without her... She helped with the good and the bad. She is the one reason why i'm trying to do good in school and try not to punch anyone in the face. I've been bullied, but I don't know whats it's like for other people that is bullied. All I know that it's hard to stand up for yourself because they will just find something else to use against you.

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