Chapter 19

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Arianna's P.O.V

I fluttered my eyes open and glanced around. It was dark , but I could make out the faint lines of someone in front of me. They stood up quickly and walked over starring at me. His blue eyes bore into mine, getting me lost in them.

" you okay?"

" no, not really" I replied, starring at him. He nodded his head and sat down on the bed, reaching over and giving me a pain killer and water.

" thanks"

He just shook his head solemnly and stood up walking out of the room. I missed our conversations and small banters that we always had. Should I forgive him ? I stood up carefully, my head still pounding.

" you okay ? oh my gosh I thought you were gonna die" Gabby yelled out hugging me. I hugged her back before stepping into the large kitchen. Jake sat on one of the stools, playing with his phone. I looked over at Gabby and she nodded her head leaving me with him. 

He looked up and gave me a small smile motioning me too sit. I took an apple and started biting into it.

" I'm sorry" He whispered starring at me. His eyes seemed sincere, and sad. I sighed and finished chewing on the apple. Jake is my brother, he is always gonna be there for me no matter what.

" I forgive you"

" i love you Ari"

I smiled and stood up giving him a big hug. He hugged me tightly and we stood there for a few more minutes.

" love you too Jakey"

" we have a game today are you going?" He asked me slipping on his Jordans. I shrugged and glanced at Gabby who was standing there. She looked over at me and nodded her head.

" yeah were going see you there"

Jake closed the door behind himself and I starred at Gabby. She still thought Jake was doing the same thing to her, and won't forgive him. He tried a lot. I heard his begging from my room but she wouldn't budge. It was actually upsetting to see my brother so sad and my best friend afraid of being with him.

" go get dressed, this is a big game"

I nodded my head and went back upstairs. I quickly slipped on some navy blue short shorts and a white tiered lace tanktop with a navy blue cardigan and white TOMS. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and walked downstairs to where Gabby was standing. She smiled and walked out of the house going to her car.


We sat down on the bench where the players were sitting and talked with a few. Jake and Drew were kicking the soccer ball to eachother preparing for the game. Anthony was sitting beside me going over some final game plans with the other guys.

The other team was on the other side of the stadium and I saw James pacing around. He looked over at me and smirked. I glared and turned my gaze to Zack who was getting ready for this.

Halfway through the game, our team was winning with 6-2. The other team was not happy with this and kept making fouls or tripping our players. Drew was hit a couple of times but he looks fine. It was halftime now and Drew sat in front of me on the grass.

" your so sweaty"

"well I was playing for the 45 minutes"

" but still" I said scrunching up my nose. He rolled his eyes and smirked winking at me. I giggled and kicked his leg, lightly. I looked up to see James, running over and stumbling into Drew. His cleat hit his head immediately. I gasped and the whole school went in an uproar. The paramedics came over immediately and inspected the damage. James's cleat his Drew too hard and knocked him out completely.

I ran over to Drew but the paramedics pushed me away.

" will he be okay?"

" we don't know" They answered back taking him away. Jake ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

" he'll be fine, come on , we need to go to the hospital"

I nodded my head and we ran out of the field to Jake's car. Gabby stayed behind to see what would happen with the game.James would seriously get a major beating from everybody for what he did.

Gabby's P.O.V

Everybody fell silent on the field and the school too. Nobody was talking it was dead silent as they took Drew away. I looked over at James and glared at him. He was standing there smirking high fiving his team mates.

" my player says it was an accident" The coach says, to Anthony. Ant looks at the guy and shakes his head. I step next to them and glare at the other coach.

" how the fuck is it an accident when he fucking ran over here from that side and kicked him in the fucking head? your team is pathetic"

" and who are you ?" The man asked me with a raised eyebrow.

" a human what the fuck do you think I am"

" don't get all sassy with me young lady, it was an acccident"

'you and your team are full of shit, this game is not gonna continue and don't think your off the hook, we are going to sue your asses, so get the fuck out of my school's field before I fucking kick you out" I screamed at the guy. Anthony grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back.

" your not the boss of us"

" yeah well my father is and your not gonna have a job anymore, so just leave"

" and whos your father?"

" Ben Wildes also known as the guy who hired you and gives you your paycheck, "

" oh well" He muttered something before a referee ran over to discuss what happened. They said it was not an accident and the game will not proceed, also James is off the team and can be sued for kicking and knocking out Drew. The dumb coach is gonna lose his job for being rude to me and not following the rules.

I watched as the other team walked out of the field with their school in tow. Our school was throwing things at them and screaming.

Arianna's P.O.V

I sat beside Drew's hospital bed and wiped away the tears.  The doctor walked in and smiled at me, looking over his clipboard.

" well Drew is in a coma, the impact of the cleat was hard, and also has 2 broken ribs from when the player kicked him, he might have amnesia for a bit"

" when will he wake up?"

" we don't know, could take hours,days, weeks, months, or even years"

I nodded my head and started crying again. He had to wake, he just had to. Jake sat down beside me and put an arm around my shoulders. 

" he might not wake up Jake"

" he will wake up ,don't worry" He said reassuringly. I just nodded my head looking at Drew. His skin was getting paler. Jake stood up and walked out of the room to get Drew's parents. I took Drew's hand and looked at him.

" I forgive you, and most importantly I love you" I whispered before getting up and leaving the bed.

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