Bad Lines and "Bad" Boys

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It was around eleven p.m. now. My usual crowd was gathered around as I danced, and there were a few new faces, likely tourists. Brooklyn attracted 'em like flies, and they tended to pay good, so I wasn't complaining.

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars."

It was a good song, one I loved dancing to, because each time I heard it, I heard it differently. I heard a few whistles from a group of high schoolers and rolled my eyes. 

"'Cause I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now."

God, I could use one too. If only. The song ended a minute later, and I held my pose for a few moments before bowing. The cheers made me smile, and I thanked everyone who dropped some cash into the guitar case. Not a bad catch, but it wasn't enough. Looks like I'd be seeing if Antonio had any jobs.

 I pocketed the cash and closed the case, slinging it over one shoulder, and turned to head back, only to crash into something.

"'Scuse me."

"What, no apology?"

"Ah yes, sorry you crashed into me."

The sarcasm was palpable in my tone as I replied, looking up. I was met with bright green eyes and a smirk. Oh goody.

"I'm afraid we might need to swap numbers, how else will I contact you for your insurance information?"

I crossed my arms and cocked my hip in disinterest. I really needed to get going, but it looked like I might be there a bit. 

"Don't have any. In any case, i'm sure you can afford the non-existant bill. Now goodbye."

I pushed past him and made it a few feet before he called out.

"Do I not get a name, oh Cinderella?"

That was a new one. I was no princess, but pre-ball Cinderella was somewhat close.


"Interesting. Nicolas."

"Didn't ask. Catch ya never, Nico."

I didn't think I would see him again. In hindsight, I should have known my luck was never that good.

The same song I had danced to last night was playing in my earbuds as I waited on a bench in front of my best friend's school. Jace, the goody-goody, was staying late to tutor. His tutoring gave me time to flesh out some lyrics I was writing at least.

Jace and I had been friends before I dropped out, we had met at an open mic. night and had been fast friends. Since we didn't go to the same school, we would meet up right after instead, a habit that was hard to kick, 'cept  now, he tags along with whichever job i'm doing.

And just my luck, here comes the guy from last night. He was easy to peg, since this school was very clear about it's social hierarchy. Troublemaker, delinquent, or more popularly, badboy. Incredible. Leather jacket, messy hair, classic smirk, and he was headed straight towards me.

"I don't think you go to school here."

"Oh, really? I had absolutely no clue."

There were other kids still lingering, and they were watching the interaction with interest. I just had to hope he didn't recognize me and spill my secret. I worked hard to keep Flicker a separate part of me, something only Jace and Kelly new about, because it gave me less trouble that way.

"If you don't go to school here, what are you doing?"


He was getting a bit angry, obvious in the way his jaw clenched, and the glare he shot me. Oddly different from last night, although I would bet on the fact that his classmates were watching, and he was drunk last night.

"Hey Talia! Sorry I'm late, fractions are a bi-um, hello?"

Jace hurried towards us and pulled to a sudden stop as soon as he saw Nicolas. He almost looked scared, and it was safe to say that pissed me off.

"Yeah, they are. You ready to-"

"Interesting. The nerd happens to be friends with the mysterious non-student? How do you two know each other?"

"Did you just call him a nerd? How much more of a cliche can you possibly be?"

I didn't miss the gasps from the students near us, who interestingly enough seemed to have gotten larger in number. I guess drama was a good enough incentive to come back to school.

"I'd be careful if I were you. I don't think you know who you're messing with."

"Well there's my answer. Look, bub, I don't give one flying fuck who you are. You're like the least scariest thing I've seen all week. Back the fuck up and sit the fuck down."

He looked completely taken aback by what I had said, and it took me a second to realize I had placed myself between him and Jace, something he didn't miss.

"Would one of you three like to tell me what's goi- oh, Talia! How are you dear?"

My expression changed from an angry one to a smile, and I turned to the lady that had spoken. Graying hair pulled into a tight bun, black reading glasses and a pencil skirt paired with a frown. Lillian Ferguson was the home-ec teacher at Liberty Highschool, and it was obvious she terrified the students. The small crowd had dispersed immediately, and Nicolas looked like he'd rather be anywhere else in the world.

"Lily! I'm doin' pretty okay, how about you?"

"Oh, just wonderful. Jerry and I are actually looking into adoption right now, and I wanted to ask if you had any places you would recommend looking onto."

I grinned. Her and her husband hadn't been able to have a kid, and so they'd been working on being eligible for adoption.

"Of course! I'll have a list to you tomorrow, and the muffins I promised."

Nicolas looked extremely confused, but made an attempt to duck away, until Lily shot a glare at him.

"Nice try mister. Care to tell me what the commotion over here was about?"

He glanced at me like he was hoping i'd help him out, and I just smiled. We'll see what he comes up with first.

"Talia, was it? I noticed that she wasn't a face I had seen around school, and was confused. I might have...been a bit rude when I asked who she was and why she was here."

At least he wasn't directly lying. It was good enough for me though.

"He was a bit rude, but most students obviously wouldn't have cared that there was an unfamiliar face on campus. That's at least somewhat commendable."

Nicolas gaped at me in surprise, but quickly regained a neutral expression. Lily looked a bit conflicted, but nodded finally.

"Right again, Talia. No detention this time, Mr. Guerrero, but be more mindful. Jace, good luck tutoring Ryan Marcowitz. You'll need it."

And then she was gone, giving me a wave before disappearing into the school.

"How the absolute hell did you get her to like you?"

Jace sounded confused.

"Charm. As for you, Mr. Guerrero, you owe me."

And with that I linked my arm through Jace's and we left.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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