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"So this whole time I was basically your side chick, huh Lauren?"

"No Ally, I promise. It's a stupid PR stunt. I don't even like him like that. I only like you that way, you know it."

"No Lauren, I don't because some days you all with me, and the girls which is fine because the band always comes first as it should, I'm not arguing with that, but when you go out for drinks or whatever YOU'RE WITH HIM? ARE YOU?"

I stayed quiet as I knew that was true. I can't believe Ally thinks she's a side chick to me. I would never think that. I'm so crazy about her.

Ally looked at me and just slapped me.

"I deserved that, but that hurt."

"Good, because that's how I feel, Lauren. I would never do that with you. Even if its is a PR stunt. And you know that's true."

Ally started to feel her eyes get teary. I couldn't let her. I stepped closer and she hit me.

"How could you do that to me, Lauren. I thought we had was real." She started to cry and hit me. I stayed and let her. I tried to hug her but she kept hitting me until she fell to the floor and I kept putting my arm around her so she could cry on my shirt.

"I'm sorry. " I couldn't think of anything else but I kept saying that over and over until she started to stop but I stayed.

Gonna Get Better (Alren)Where stories live. Discover now