{Work/Meeting} |Chapter 2|

50 5 2

Song:The love club(Instrumental)

Translations at the bottom.


Daigo woke up to the sound of his alarm clock going off. He quickly got up and did his normal routine.Wakes up, brushes teeth, takes shower, brushes hair and puts on his usual work outfit. Daigo went down stairs to eat breakfast. He hadn't finished unpacking, so boxes littered everywhere.

"Ah fuuuck..."he whispered when his stubbed his toe on a box.

He got back up after rubbing his foot and walked over to the counter and and made himself breakfast. He recieved a call from his parents but didn't take notice because of his phone being on silence. He didn't mind though he would call them after work. As he walked out of his house he saw a young man outside gardening. He thought of saying good morning so he started walked over to him. "Guten tag." Daigo said as he stopped in front of Valts house.
"Oh hallo!" the small omega said looking up and brushing away his headbandless hair. Valt never liked talking in german so he chose speak japanese to most of the people he knew. Which pretty much revolved around Rantoro, Ken(Suke) and his mother who he missed dearly.
"Nett day huh?" the alpha questioned.
The omega nodded happy to have someone to talk to.
"Ja es ist!" Valt chirped out.
"Sagen wo gehst du hin?" Valt questioned. He had never seen anyone, other than those mean and lame germans, wear something so formal yet so polite. Actually this might even be the first nice german he's met.
"Ich bin ein Autor." Daigo responded casually sticking his hands in his pockets.
"Warte ... Bist du Daigo Kurogami?"
"Ja!" Daigo responded happily and glad someone atleast recognized him.
"Sie wissen, wer ich bin?"The alpha asked.
"Oh ja! Ich liebe deine bücher!" Valt chirped, walked over to his little table under a shady tree and picked up a book made by Daigo Kurogami. He quickly walked back over to Daigo and handed him his book. "In the eyes of an Iberian lynx.". Which was about a beautiful mutant spaniard who could mutate any part of his body. And a shapeshifting brit who could shift into anything or anyone it wanted. They fall in love and the spaniard is able to mutate extra cells to make and give himself a womb to produce off-spring for the one he loved. The spaniard was able to give the brit a son and lived happily controlling the kindom the two took rein after their parents had bethrothed them and found land for them to rule together, but in the sequel the spaniard starts having haunting nightmares of his child going of to war and coming from a small and cute child to a blood thristy king. A lot of the other fair princesses that desire to be with the handsome and powerful brit decide to rally up on the spaniard while he travels to town. They manage to kill the "queen" or the spaniard. Then when the brit comes ready to be envoloped in the warm and sunny arms of his queen but when he walked into the castle all he found was the mutants mother sobbing while her husband removed her gold and black gemed crown to kiss her head.
While his father slowly picked up his head and stood up from thr throne and shattered the shapeshifters heart into many small pieces with 5 words. "I'm sorry son..He's gone...". There was supposed to be and third sequel in which the brit becomes blood thirsty killing every princess that trys to seduce him. While the dead mutants son becomes general of the kindoms army. Then the brit walks into a forest to relax himself and comes face to face with an Iberian lynx in which it has the same mischievous glint that his queen had.
He honestly loved Daigos books. They were creative and strange. They all falled into the fantasy, mystery, romance, and dystopian categories.
"Soll ich es unterschreiben?" Daigo asked.
"Oh ja bitte!" Valt said happily.
"Okay da gehen wir...." Daigo said signing the front page of the published book. "Heir." Daigo said handing Valt back the book.
"Danke!" Valt said. "Also ich muss gehen." Daigo said waving and walking to his car. "Tschüss." Valt said watching as his future mate drove away.

I'm back from writters block my doods..
Well yea they speak german now so yea..


Guten tag- Good day.
Hallo- Hello
Nett day huh?- Nice day huh?
Ja es ist!- Yes it is!
Sagen wo gehst du hin?- Say where are you going?
Ich bin ein autor- I am an author.
Warte...Bist du Daigo Kurogami?- Wait... Are you Daigo Kurogami?
Ja- Yes
Sie wissen, wer ich bin?- You know who I am?
Oh ja! Ich liebe deine bücher!- Oh yes! I love your books!
Soll ich es unterschreiben?- Should I sign it?
Oh ja bitte!- Oh yes please!
Okay da gehen wir...- Okay here we go...
Hier- Here
Danke!- Thank you!
Also ich muss gehen- Well I have to go.
Tschüss- Bye

In the eyes of an Iberian lynx is an actual book I'm writting about.

Languages in future chapers➡

° Japanese


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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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