Chapter Ten

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Chapter written by whalefairyfandom12
So I just checked the masterpost and apparently it's almost been a year since my last chapter. Open apology to Rachel and anyone that still reads this for the massive delay–hopefully I won't take another year next time haha. Also the Halloween parts are because I was going to post this in October/November until I lost power so enjoy some seasonally appropriate spooks.

Word Count: 3383

tw; language, smoking, smut

co-written with phansdick/botanistlester

Chapter Ten

There were certain facts in life that were indisputable. Beyonce was queen, Jar Jar Binks was a stain on humanity, water was wet, and Dan Howell was hot. And because it was indisputable acknowledgment of the latter was normal, healthy even. It didn't mean Phil was gay or anything, just that he had eyes and appreciated aesthetically pleasing things.

So noticing the strangely attractive combination of sexy and adorable that was Dan's still damp hair was a perfectly heterosexual thing to do. Phil was just confident enough in his masculinity to notice.

Dan was surveying himself in the mirror, arms crossed. A black and white plaid shirt tapered around his waist over a pair of black skinny jeans. "How do I look?" he asked, turning to pose dramatically. It should've looked ridiculous–and it did, but Dan broke character, smiling widely enough for his dimple to show and fuck if he didn't look good.

"Yeah. Really good." Phil cleared his throat, mouth dry. "You're leaving your hair curly?"

"I was thinking about embracing the hobbit hair on a more permanent basis."

"Why?" The word emerged more incredulous than Phil had intended, but the unrelenting curliness of his roommate's hair had always been one of his favorite subjects of complaint.

Dan made a contemplative sound, reaching for his jacket. "It never stays straight for one. I step outside and if there's any humidity I look like a deformed hedgehog. And..." he trailed off, shrugging. "I guess it doesn't look that bad when it's shorter." He slung his coat over his arm, popping open the door. "You sure you don't want to come?"

Phil shook his head. "I don't want to crash your date," he said, supportive smile strained.

"What?" Dan blinked at him uncomprehendingly. "What are you talking about?"

"Your romantic evening with Cheryl?"

"We're just going as friends," Dan clarified. "We talked a few days ago and realized there was no point in letting something like what happened ruin a perfectly good friendship." Personally, Phil wasn't sure how cheating could be summed up as casually as 'something like this,' but he nodded anyway. "So you wouldn't be crashing. I think Jo and Avery are coming too."

Phil choked on his own spit, book tumbling to the floor. Dan was there in a flash, dusting the cover off and handing it over. "Sorry," he said, clearing his throat. "I was just surprised." Surprised was putting it lightly, considering one of the last times he'd seen Dan and Avery together they looked like they were going to punch each other. He sighed, making a face as his gaze returned to his English. He did have the whole weekend, and part of him wanted to be there in case anything happened. "Okay," he said finally. "If you're sure."

Dan's expression lit up. "Positive."

Phil rolled off the sofa, shoving his feet into his trainers. He wasn't anywhere as dressed up as Dan, but he figured Illuminati t-shirts were always in style. "One condition, you have to share your popcorn."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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