Stark's Daughter

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In the Avenger building Jane Stark calculated the different situations in which Peter Parker would fall out of his hammock made of webs he had made in the middle of the room.

"Just come and cuddle with me!!!"Peter whined. He was attempting to make a cuddle session into a make out session.

"I'm not getting in that death trap Peter." She said.

You and Peter have been dating for almost 2 months.

It started when he always would stare at you from across the room. Also when he would get you the biggest gifts on the holidays that he saved up for. Natasha caught that. She quickly and bluntly asked him if he liked you. Being the introvert he is Peter quickly blushed and changed the subject. She told you what happened and you started to blush every time Peter would look at you. It's like you were blind and clueless about everything until you learned about Peter Parker. You always thought he had a girlfriend or special someone because of how sweet and cute he is.
            So when Valentine's Day came around you both ended up asking each other out at the same time. You went on dates when he wasn't busy or training. Your father had no knowledge of this relationship but the somehow all the avengers knew. Bucky was one of the first ones to figure it out surprisingly.

            Peter groaned when you didn't want to come up so he jumped down from his death hammock and pulled you into a bear hug. You giggled and he pulled away slightly and kissed he tip of your nose. "You know there's cameras everywhere Pete." You whispered. "Disabled them when we walked in" he said.
          "Wow how did I get such a smart boyfriend." You softly said. " How did I end up with a beautiful girlfriend?"

At those simple nine words your heart melted. He was the most amazing person and you were lucky to have him.
Sorry I didn't post or respond to things I was in Mexico for a couple months and I couldn't use my phone.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now