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its been days since i last updated and from the bottom of my heart, i aM SORRY. i was extremeLY AND BY EXTREMELY I MEAN EXTREMELY BUSY WITH SCHOOL AND I HAD NO TIME TO UPDATE NSKWOKDHFl
soo... i have decided to change the format of the story.. from now onwards, i will be updating yall with short chapters instead of long ones because i found it hard for me to concentrate on my studies...
i promise to try and change it back once i have tons of free time.
i am sorry if you dont like the new format but i realised its the best option right now.
once again, i am truly sorry.
thank you so much for understanding. :*
have a wonderful day/night my luvs except yoU MNET. YOU CAN FUCKING CHOKE.

yours sincerely,
pcypapi xxxx

i included a photo of kim minseok because he looked amazing

unexpectedly yours > pcyWhere stories live. Discover now