CHAPTER f o U r T E E n

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Joey hugged him.
"I love you Henry." He said softly.
Henry blushed and hugged back.
"I love you too Joey."
Joey lifted Henry and carried him bridal style.
"OH-" Henry looked around. "Joey you don't really have to carry me. Heh,"
Henry scratched the back of his head.
"No Henry, I have to." Joey replied.
"What-" Henry was confused.
Joey walked over to an empty box and placed Henry inside.
"I know I said I'm your pet but this is too far Joey-" Henry coughed.
"It's not for that," Joey pat Henry ", and I'm your pet too."
"Ok Henry stay here!" Joey said while running off.
"Ok den?" Henry replied.
A couple of seconds passed and Henry messed with the box.
"You know, I'll name you sunshine!" Henry pat the box.
Sammy walked into the room. Not noticing Henry.
"Joey, when you draw a pentagram be," Sammy looked up from his plushie and saw Henry having a conversation with sunshine the box, "sure to clean it up...." Sammy walked backwards out of the room and shut the door.
Henry shrugged.
Joey walked in.
"Hello Love, seems you haven't waited long?" Joey walked to the side of the box with a marker.
Henry looked to the side. Nuzzling Joey. "Not long, and I named the box!"
"Wow, you get that lonely that quickly? Welp time to spend all my life with you heh." Joey replied. Henry blushed at that comment. He wrote on the box with the marker.
"What are you writing on sunshine?" Henry asked.
Joey picked up Henry from the box and sat Henry  next to him. Joey handed Henry the box.
"Wally Demolisher" the box read.
"Wow, original!" Henry said.
"Just wait and see." Joey smirked.
Joey picked up Henry and put him in the box again.
"Ok Henry I love you. Just know you will enjoy this." Joey grabbed Henry's shoulders and pulled him back.
"Enjoy it very much~" Joey whispered and put Henry back to place.
Henry blushed. And heart bubbles came from his straw.
"Now, it's time!"
Joey got behind the box.
The floor shook.
"Now love, we wait. For the salty gay janitor to get here." Joey said while grabbing Henry's shoulders again.

[Im really sorry for not updating. I got busy with things and lost of motivation. Hopefully on break I get to write more. Gay Orange Juice ain't here~

[DISCONTINUED]You're my everything (Henry x Joey)Where stories live. Discover now