Raphanardo ohhh yeah!!!

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A:ok guys we have a dare! And is for Leo and Raph!
L&R:oh no...
A:you guys have to play 7 minutes in Heaven. Dare from akirathemagicalwitch
L&R:*blushes*look at eacother*
R: I hate you...'but I love you thanks a loooottt'
L:*looks down sadly*ok so...when we start?
R:umm this game isn't played in a closet?*points at the closet*
A:oh yeah...well get in there...
*enter in the closet*close the doors*
~after 1 min~
~after 2 min~
A:ummm *cough cough* sooo Mikey how was the date between you and Kari?
D:yeah? How it was?
M:oh it was nice... I think... Kari is nice and all but is not my type.
M:but why do you ask?
A:oh... I'm just...curious...
D:yeah... me too...
M:umm guys the closet is moving... what are they doing there?
A:umm Mikey you will know later
M:*rise a non existent eye brow*okay...? I guess...
D:ummm guys time is up!!!
*open a door slowly but quiqly close it*
D:let's give them more time...'I need to wash my eyes after'
A:ok see you next time leave truths or dares in comments bye!
*from the closet*L&R:ahhhhhh!
~in the closet~
L:you think we tricked them?
R:ohhh sure we did!
L&R:high tree! Hahahah
L:*kiss Raph on the lips*
R:*kiss back*
L:Thats why I love you.
R:*blushes*mumbling* I love you too...
L:aww*kiss again*
R:*faint*+*nose bledding*

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