Kido x Reader - Made with Love

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You walked around the Dan's hideout, looking for someone to talk to. At first, you went to Kano's room, but he was talking to Seto. Then you went to Shintaro's room and heard Momo screaming at her brother. You tried to go into Marry's room, but she didn't even open the door. You weren't sure what Hibiya was doing, but it didn't sound good. And Konoha was still sleeping.

That left one member unaccounted for. But you couldn't find Kido anywhere. She was the person you wanted to talk to the most, too...

You went downstairs and sat on the couch. Maybe I should text one of my other friends, you thought. You scrolled through your contacts until you heard something.

It was some sort of humming noise, and it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. You rushed to the kitchen, worrying about what the noise could be.

When you got there, Kido was mixing ingredients together in a bowl. She was wearing a frilly lavender apron on top of her typical hoodie. As you stepped into the kitchen, you realized that she was humming a song.

"Um, commander?" You took another step towards her. "What are you doing?"

She spun around immediately, almost knocking the bowl off the counter. Her eyes were wide and her face was flushed. "(y/n)? I'm... uh..." Kido snatched the recipe paper and held it out towards you. "M-making a cake!"

You pointed to her apron. With a teasing grin, you said, "In that frilly little thing? I never expected you to wear something like that."

She yelped and looked down at her body. When she saw what she was wearing, she rushed to take it off. "Shut up! This is all I had to cook in!"

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone..." You grabbed the apron from her. "If you let me cook with you."

"What kind of deal is that?" Kido sighed, then said, "Fine, you can help. Just don't cause any trouble, alright?"

You jokingly saluted her. "Yes, commander!"

She muttered something under her breath, but moved so you could help. Her eyes moved to the recipe. "Now we need to mix the wet and dry ingredients together."

The two of you reached for the spoon at the same time. Your hands touched for a moment before Kido jerked her hand away. "Sorry," you said, moving your hand back as well. "I thought you wanted me to do it."

"D-don't worry about it." Her face was turned away from you, so you couldn't see her expression. "Can you grab the bowl of dry ingredients and pour that into the other bowl?"

"Yep!" You did exactly as she told you to. She was still facing the other way. "Is that good?"

Kido looked in the bowl and said, "Good job, (y/n)." After grabbing the spoon, she stirred the ingredients forcefully. Once it was properly mixed, she took the spoon out and looked at you. "Cake or cupcakes?"

"Huh?" Then you realized what she had asked. "Oh, I like cupcakes more. Maybe afterwards we can decorate them or something!"

She knelt down and opened a drawer. "Cupcakes it is." After a moment, she found the cupcake tin and pulled it out.

Both of you worked together to fill each hole in the cupcake tin. Once you finished, Kido put the tray in the oven and set the timer. While she was preoccupied with that, you ran your index finger inside the bowl. Cake batter covered your finger, and you licked it clean. "This is delicious," you said, finger still in your mouth.

"What are you doing, (y/n)?" She turned around and instantly sighed. "Seriously?"

You wiped your saliva on your shirt, then got more cake batter. "It's good!" You pushed the bowl towards her with your other hand. "Here, you should try it."

She rolled her eyes. "No thanks. I'd rather not be sick." Before you could dip your finger in the bowl again, she put it in the sink and turned on the water.

"Kiiiiiiido!" you whined. "That's a waste of perfectly good cake batter!" She didn't reply, so you groaned. "I'm so bored..."

She sighed and looked at the timer. "If you're that bored, you can go do something else. These won't be ready for a few more minutes."

You wrapped your arms around her. "But I wanna spend time with you!"

Her eyes widened, and her face turned bright red. She looked down at you and asked, "Wh-what are you doing?"

"Hugging you?" Your grip loosened. "Do you not want me to?"

"No, it's... okay..." Kido started to hug you back. "It's just... um..." She looked away, and her face grew redder. "C-can I tell you something, (y/n)?"

You nodded. Neither of you spoke for a while. You weren't sure how much time had passed. Your faces seemed really close, though.

"I... I think I'm in lo—"

The timer went off. You glanced at it for a moment before looking back at Kido. The timer was too loud to speak over. Instead of trying to speak, you pressed your lips to hers.

I'm in love with you too, Commander.

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