Kuroha x Reader - Crowned

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It was always strange when you were invited to another kid's party. You didn't have a lot of friends, after all.

This time, you got an invitation from Konoha. He wasn't one of your friends, so you only knew a few things about him.

He was a bit of an airhead. He didn't talk that much. He really liked eating food. And he was Kuroha's brother.

The fourth thing was the reason you were going to his party.

Kuroha was probably your closest friend. He was kinda strange—sometimes he seemed too obsessed with snakes and gore—but you didn't mind. You liked those things as well, though not as much as he did.

A couple weeks later, on the day of the party, you arrived at Konoha's house. You rang the doorbell, but no one answered the door. Before you could ring it again, you felt something press against your head.

Your first thought was, A gun? Then you heard a familiar laugh. "K-kuroha? Why are you pointing a gun at me?"

"Awh, did I scare you, (y/n)? I didn't think it'd be that easy!" He moved in front of you and waved the gun in your face. "It's just a toy gun. It doesn't do anything."

You leaned in to inspect the gun. "Really?" He grinned, then put his finger on the trigger. Water shot out of the gun, hitting you in the face. You ducked down to avoid getting hit further.

Meanwhile, Kuroha couldn't stop laughing. "How stupid are you, anyways?"

Yep. This was how your friendship worked. He would pull pranks on you, but you would keep hanging out with him.

"Now," he said, ringing the doorbell. "Let's go inside. The other kids will be here soon, and I'm sure they'll fall for that as well!"

Konoha opened the door. "Oh... hey, (y/n)..." Then he noticed that you were dripping wet. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing! I'm fine." You knew better than to tell the truth. That never ended well. "But can you get me a towel, please?"

"Uh... sure." The two of you walked into the house and took off your shoes. Konoha came back with a towel twice your size. You used it anyways.

Once you had dried yourself off, Kuroha grabbed your arm and pulled you into the living room. "Before everyone else arrives..." A grin formed on his face. "Let's play a game."

"Is it another weird game of yours?"

He sat down on the floor, and you copied him. "No, no... Unless you want it to be." You shook your head, squirming a bit. "Let's play royalty."

"Oh, that sounds fun!" You smiled and moved closer to him. "How do you play it? Are we the king and queen?"

"Well, I'm the king." Kuroha stood up, then pointed his finger at you. "And you're my loyal servant!" Your eyes widened, and he continued, "Which means that you have to do everything I say."

What kind of game is this? "R-really?" He nodded, the grin on his face growing even wider. "A-alright. What do you want me to do?"

"Hmm... There should be a crown and a sword somewhere in this room. Find them, give me the crown, and keep the sword."

After a minute or so of searching, you found the objects he asked for. You handed Kuroha the crown—which was apparently from Burger King—and kept the sword for yourself. "What now... should I call you Your Majesty?"

"I like the sound of that." Then the doorbell rang. "There's someone invading our kingdom! (y/n), make sure they don't get in!"

You nodded and ran towards the door. Before you could stop him, Konoha opened the door. You moved in front of him and swung your sword at whoever just walked in. "Leave our kingdom!"

After a moment, someone sniffled. You looked down and saw Marry crying. Your eyes widened at your victim. She was only a toddler! "But... but..."

"Ah, hello there, Marry." You spun around to see Kuroha bowing down to her. "I didn't realize it was my queen at the door."

Your brain raced to understand what he said. "Wait... she's the queen?"

"Yes," he replied, holding another crown in his hands. He set it on top of her head. It was a little big—and would probably fit you better. "Now, Your Majesty, let's return to our throne."

The two of them walked into the living room. You didn't follow them. Instead, you ran upstairs and locked yourself in one of the rooms. By the gory posters on the walls, you knew it was Kuroha's.

"It's not fair!" You stomped around his room. "I'd make a much better queen!  Why doesn't he understand that?"

Then you noticed a giant water gun on the floor. A huge grin spread across your face as you grabbed it. It was pretty heavy, but you managed to lift it up.

You went down the stairs as silently as you could. The king and queen didn't seem to notice. You pointed the water gun at Kuroha and then put your finger on the trigger.

He yelped as the cold water drenched him. "What are you doing?!" You didn't stop spraying him with water. "Cut it out!"

A few seconds later, the water ran out. Kuroha was completely soaked. You started to laugh, then stopped when you saw him glaring at you.

"That wasn't very nice of you, servant," he hissed. You gulped as he took a step towards you. "I can't let you go without punishment." He was only inches away from you now. "Close your eyes, (y/n)."

After a couple seconds, you closed your eyes. "O-okay."

You expected a gun to your head or a snake down your shirt. Instead, you felt his lips on your cheek. You could barely keep your eyes closed due to the shock. "Th-there!"

"Kuroha?" You opened your eyes and saw him looking down at the floor. Both of your faces were completely red. "M-maybe I should spray you again..."

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