Common Erorr

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I was summoned by lord 5th for the first time. They asked me if I wanted to be a leaf shinobi. And they gave me sparing test. I never knew I had these abilities. Until I received an ancient golden box from a random person "Your gonna need it." I didn't care about it that much sense I was walking through town. And I ran into the gang. Naruto, Tenten, Sakura,Lee, kiba,Shikamaru, Ino, Hinata, Shino, and Chogi
"Who're you.?" Naruto asked me. "Name's Anthony." Then I was flooded with questio22nd. Of coarse the rest of the guys didn't bother it was the girls really. They acted like they never saw someone wearing a trench coat before. Then the same question came again this time by Tenten. "I can't tell you. Its.....complicated." I said. "Oh so your hiding something from us?" Sakura asked. "Alright fine..... I'm from a different world-" then I pulled out my phone and showed them My world map. "That has more than 5 great nations"  "Which nation are you from." Ino asked. "I'm from the UNITED STATES. See the area of the map that's covered with stars and striped, I live here." As I pointed at AUSTIN,TX.  Then I showed them the capitol D.C., my city skyline and capitol, the top cities in the nation and the faces of mount Rushmore. "How did you get here.?" Hinata asked. "Well I fell through a rift-" "A RIFT?!!" Shikamaru enterupted. "That's what that crack in the sky was."
"What are you saying Shikamaru." Chogi asked.  "I'm saying that there are 2 WORLDS. We gotta get this to Lady Tsnunade NOW!!" and there we were off. I found the Mellinium Puzzle in the box. Put it on and I had wings to catch up.

"Who is it?"
"Its me and my freinds." Shikamaru answered.
"enter" Tsnunade said
We all entered in. Then I spilled what we found out. "I know about the rift causing random cracks in the sky."
"I'm on to it to. Other villages are complaining about the same thing to. I now heard that there will be 7 great nations instead of 5. The PYRAMIDS, AND SNOW. AND there will be a KAGE Summit tomorrow here. So go help prepare for it. And Anthony stay here I need to talk to you in private."
They all left and I stood still. It was easy to be in her presence sense I'm not a perverted person. "Tell me more about these rifts." She said. "Well behind them is another world. " "how do you know,prove it." She said arms and legs crossed. I pulled out my phone and showed her all the nations from my world.
"Oh and this world has no shinobi but they do have an extremely large advantage when it comes to technology, economics and millitary."

Tsnunade POV...

I'm flattered. Here I am founding out about a whole world that no one knew about. But this is good proof for the summit. Because Anthony was from there and he even has proof. This tool I'm holding in my hand, even the clothes he wears are not shinobi atire. "Anthony." " ma'am" he replied back. "I want you at the summit tomorrow. It starts at 9am. Don't be late ok." he replied back and left the office. He has a good set of manners. I wonder what people do in his world.

3rd person.
Even if Tsnunade wanted to know about this world it would be a pain to fully comprehend.

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