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So it turned out that the negotiating the UN into helping fight the akatsuki was successful. But there is one problem. ONLY 2 national military can come. So I asked The UN. Which nations would they send. Obviously the U.S.just had to be envolved in everything. So they were going. And the funking was that Russia was also selected to go. The next set of rifts wold appear at those 2 nation's capitol. Me and the gang were already back in the Naruto reality. All we had to do was show up at the LEAF cause that's where the other nations were arriving.

Temari's POV

It's a good thing that Anthony brought help from his world. Yet the only thing I don't understand is how do they fight each other. So I asked him. "Hey Anthony how do your nations fight each other.?" He looked at me and showed me something on his phone. He then said "My nations fight in the most savage ways. With TANKS, ARMORED CARS AND TRUCKS, GRENADES, LANDMINES, WAR JETS AND PLAINS, MISSELES and all of the above. Now I understand why we would be slaughtered first. Us weaving our hand signs is enough time for us to be wiped out.

Anthony's POV
"Oi guys here come the Russians!! Come see." I yelled of the balcony of a building. It took. A minute for them to get to my location. Interentertainment history has been made as the Russians marched from the KAGE tower to outside the village.

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