Hate 06

931 33 2

This years Bgt had finally started shooting.
I had till now been successfully ignoring David which did raise a few eyebrows- but you know what? I was brimming with self anxiety and depression and I hadn't been able to sleep since that night, So I had more then enough and any contact with David would just make everything worse.
"So it's gonna be a dog act?You know my Simon completely adores dog-
"Don't ever say that again"
The audience gasped, David was caught off guard and my chest tightened. I partly hoped he would say a cheeky comeback so that I did not have to take on all the guilt, but he didn't. He was silent, even after me shutting him down quite a few times with harsh comments.
With David quieter then usual the show did not go very well but,
I just didn't give a shit anymore. This was revenge for making me fall for him ,for all the tears I cried just because of him, for all my sleepless nights, for all those times he used me.
And I was just beginning.
After the show David looked quite shaken, but I gathered all 4 of us up and said I wanted to arrange a meeting this evening at the bar down the street, David was Hesitant but Alesha convinced him to come.
We promised each other it would be "The Judges Time to catch-up".
I had better plans.
Right away after reaching home I called the most gorgeous and expensive escort I could find, I said I'd pick her up from the park and we'd go to the bar together. Along the way I told her everything she needed to know so that the others didn't find out it was a scam. Especially David.
Simon had acted extremely rudely with me today in the auditions. He cut me off from the other judges and kept telling me to shut up and "don't ever say that again", he even said I wasn't funny and didn't make any sense. I was very hurt and ended up breaking down in the bathroom-I was sensitive with Simon and it killed me inside when I saw him act like this.Maybe I could know the reason behind his strange acts at the bar, yes I was positive. Something was clearly wrong and I was going to try and fix it.

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