Chapter 7

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"Hey, guys!" chirped Jazz as Rachel walked up to the route.

"What's up Jazz, wanna battle?" Rachel asked as Katie brushed her wings, which were flapping calmly.

"Sure! Go, Hipchu!" Jazz shouted, calling out the Pikachu, her cheeks sparking with electricity.

"Go, Aura!" Rachel commanded. The small Espurr was underleveled, but Rachel wanted her to get experience.

Hipchu used Thundershock and Aura held it with her ear, then it conducted back and Hipchu got electrocuted by her own move.

"Nice job!" Jazz complimented as Rachel recalled her Espurr.

Rachel and Jazz exchanged farewells before Rachel went into the cave.

Katie snickered as a female Zubat flew into Rachel's face.

"Ugh, why Crystal.." Rachel asked as they left the cave.

"I'm blind," retorted the zubat known as Crystal.

Jess then noticed a metal object with a sulfur smell, orange symbol, and a ticking sound.

"Hmm, what is that?" Jess inquired, approaching the small object.

"Wait, Jess! Don't, that's a.."


Katie gasped in shock and Rachel just screeched as Jess and Crystal were blown to pieces by the bomb. She kneeled down, hands touching the spot where two of her comrades had been just moments ago. No one spoke for a moment as Rachel breathed in and out, coming to terms with the sudden, terrible loss.

"Rest in peace," Bernie said as he bowed his head down

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"Rest in peace," Bernie said as he bowed his head down. Crystal had only been with them for a short time, but seeing a life taken so quickly was unsettling.

"If only they had more time, they still had yet to tell their story," Lily sighed, it reminded her of someone else who's story was unheard...yet.

"We'll see them one day," Hardy added solemnly as Tammy nodded. One day, at the end of their lives - whether on this journey or many years later - they would join all of the loved ones that had been taken from them.

Shelly looked around for Aura, hoping to comfort the young Espurr about the horrific deaths that had just taken place, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Aura?" Shelly asked, beginning to panic. What if she had been caught in the explosion? What if she had run away after the loud noise?

Katie looked around, but didn't see Aura.

"Oh no, she got lost!" Rachel wailed, panicking; Aura was still a child and Absols sometimes had appetites for kittens...

Katie then set out to look for the grey furball.


A man snickered as the new bomb got rid of two other pests.

"Another one bites the dust," he gloated with a malicious grin.

AN: MUHAHAHAHHA shocking character death! Also rip Jess and Crystal, that was added because MUAHAHHAHA! Also OH NO AURA IS GONE! also theres an evil dude?? Dun dun dunnnn! On another note I was referencing a few things in Lily's saying,  guess in the comments! Also cliffhanger! I am officially evil because I left you all on a cliffhanger!

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