Chapter 21

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"Brrr!" Rachel whined, shivering as they walked into town.

"Told you it's cold, should've bought a coat, wait take mine," Hiko replied, handing a black jacket to Rachel.

"Ok we're ready to go, Hiko's the brawn and Rachel's the brains," Katie announced, grooming her pelt.
"What does that make you?" Rachel asked the cat on her head.

"The fuzz" Katie replied, swishing her tail.
"We may have to stay here longer, look," pointed Hiko, they saw lots of snow piling the route, Moon and a Mamoswine there as well.
"C'mon Mammo move!" Moon whined, pushing the behemoth pokemon. Rachel and Hiko walked to check it out, Katie jumped on the snow wall, only to fall to the ground.
"Owie..." Katie muttered, her tail swishing, Rachel then pulled her out, chuckling.
"Hey you picked a Katie Pikmin!" Moon joked, Hiko laughing at the reference. Katie just pouted and swished her tail.

"How come there's a blockade? That's a rental Mamoswine right?" Hiko asked his eyes peering at Moon.

"It's Abomasnow," Mamoswine said, his eyes staring at the sky, snow flowing down. "They are causing this, I can't go out in this weather, something is wrong."
"Let's check it out guys!" Moon replied, Katie then sighing.
"I have 1 guess who causing the problem, and last time Chomper didn't see it coming..." Katie commented. Before flying after the trio.

"Ok so you want me to punch this wall," Hardy said, staring at his trainer.

"Yes," Rachel replied.

"In a cavern,"
"Full of huge ice monsters and potentially Team Flare,"
"Uh huh"
"And last time they had a very scary lion,"
"For the love of Mew just hit the dang wall!" Katie snarled, Hiko jumping back in surprise. Hardy then meekly struck his fist at the wall, and a cavern entrance was opened.

"Wheee!" Moon exclaimed, sliding on the smooth ice.

"I know riiight! This isn't back in home!" Rachel replied, skiing with her friend.
"Where's your home anyway?" Hiko asked, getting no reply. Katie just stretched her wings, and she then noticed a Bergmite and a Snover staring at the sliding humans.
"Uh are those from the other humans?" the Bergmite asked her friend.
"No Mia, they don't have red suits or orange hair," the Snover replied, patting Mia's head.

"I was right!" Hardy called, making the ice types jump," There are Team Flare!"
"I think it's because Abomasnow can Mega Evolve, and theres known to be a wild one," Hiko replied, to Hardy, who then swished his tail.

"Ok we're here to get rid of them, so I know you're Mia, but what's your name?" Moon explained staring at the two.

"I'm Wu, you seem clever and have experience in these "Flare" but be cautious, many have perished from the frozen rapids, human and pokemon alike," Wu explained.

"Please show us where they are, we'd love to help," Hardy asked, his spikes hardening. Wu and Mia then lead the way, and everyone followed.

(This transition scene is AU explainings! It's been forever!)

"Welcome! Today we will talk about how battling works here!" Aura spoke, Tiny bringing a set of items.

"Ok so it's not dogfighting, like y'all thought, It's practically a sport," Tiny replied, showing an X Attack.

"So for this to work, it would be a team, practically both Trainer and Pokemon work together, weren't we going to talk about something else?" Aura chimed, then tilting her ears.
"Yeah! We're also mentioning the timeline!, since we mentioned past events," Tiny explained, then showing to a chart.

"Ok let's just not say it and show it to the audience, see?" Aura added, showing the chart to the 4th wall.

Pokemon timeline in this AU

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