Chapter 9

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     Around one pm, Mike checked the driveway for his car to see if Mitch was home and chuckled when he saw it. Wow, that boy sure can sleep, he thought. He walked down the hall and knocked lightly on the door. He cracked it open and peered in, surprised to see two sleeping forms in the small bed. He carefully shut the door and raced to the kitchen to grab his wife. 

     "What in the hell are you doing?" Nel laughed at her husband's strangeness. Mike placed a hand over her mouth for being too loud and told her to shush. She rolled her eyes as he pushed her towards Mitch's room and once again, slowly opened the door so she could look in. And there she saw her two boys in bed. Mitch practically on top of Scott, who had the blankets thrown off his legs onto Mitch's side. She smiled a big toothy grin and backed out of the room. Once Mike and Nel made it back to the kitchen she finally spoke. "I am both surprised and not surprised to be seeing that."

    "I agree. I for sure thought they would be married already with how close they were", Mike laughed.

     "Well, maybe they just need more time to figure it out. Mitch is still with that Beau guy."

     "If it makes Mitch happy, then I'm happy. It would just be a perk if he realized that Scott makes him the happiest."


     Mitch woke when his pillow started stretching. He opened his eyes to sleepy blue eyes looking back at him and smiled. When Scott continued to stretch and flex his sleepy muscles, Mitch realized how he was practically on top of Scott. He sheepishly pulled back and off of Scott and was a little scared to meet his eyes, but Scott just rolled towards him and wrapped him up in his arms again. "Thank you for taking care of me, Mitch, and good morning." Scott kissed the top of Mitch's head.

     "Good morning. What time is it?" Scott let him go and rolled out of bed to fetch his pants where his phone would be.

     "Oh shit, it's already almost two. We gotta get dressed and head to the hospital." Scott looked at the missed calls from his dad and sister. "I'll call dad back while you get ready." Mitch got up and headed to the bathroom to start making himself presentable.

     It only rang once. "Scott." He was being scolded.

     "I know, I know. I'm sorry."

     "Where even are you? You left without saying anything last night."

     "Yeah, sorry about that. I'm with Mitch now."

     "Oh." His dad's tone suddenly soft. "You should bring him, Connie would love to see him."

     "That's the plan, we will be there as soon as we can."

     "Okay, stay safe, I love you."

     "Love you too." He set the phone on the bed and pulled on his pants and flannel. He called out to Mitch. "You almost ready?"

     "Let me just put on pants and grab my bag."


     Scott and Mitch arrived at the hospital not much later. It was a little colder out so Mitch was bundled in a large sweater that made him look small and Scott couldn't help but smile at how cute he was. They entered the elevator and suddenly Mitch was feeling nervous. He looked up at Scott who was just staring at the doors and reached forward to slip his hand into the larger one. Scott squeezed it but kept facing forward. The elevator dinged and they were out and headed down the hall. Mitch could hear Rick and Lauren talking before they entered the room, and when they emerged from behind the curtain, he heard a slight gasp. He looked at the woman it came from and immediately felt an overwhelming love enter his heart. He let go of Scott's hand and took long strides until he was in the woman's frail arms. He heard her sniffle and looked up. "I was so worried I wouldn't get to see your beautiful face again, baby." Tears formed and fell from Mitch's eyes easily.

     "I love you, Connie. I'm so sorry I didn't visit sooner."

     "Nonsense, you are here now and that's all that matters." He could hear sniffles from around the room and pulled away from Connie to see the other three Hoying's with misty eyes. Mitch and Connie had so much to catch up on and before they knew it, it was six pm and Connie insisted they leave her alone to rest. He once again slipped his hand into Scott's bigger one, telling himself Scott would like the comfort. But, really, Mitch wasn't sure who needed it more right now. They all went back to the Hoying household and Mitch got to spend time with Lauren and Landon. When eight pm rolled around he went to Scott.

     "You should come for dinner tonight. I texted Mike and Nel that I would be late so they are putting off cooking until I get home. They wouldn't mind." He glanced up at him shyly.

     "Sure, should I grab...things?" Scott awkwardly left the question open-ended, not wanting to push Mitch into letting him stay over again.

     "Um... Yeah, I think so." Scott smiled, thankful he had a go-bag in the trunk.


     Scott twirled the spaghetti around his fork before bringing it to his mouth. "It is really good to see you, Scott." Nel gave him a warm smile and Mike nodded in agreement.

     "I'm glad to see you too. Thank you for dinner it is really delicious."

     "How was Connie today?" Nel looked down at her plate.

     "Over the moon to see Mitch." He looked over to Mitch who was currently slurping up a noodle and back to Nel. "He is an angel. I haven't seen Mom that lively in a week. Everyone was really in good spirits today." He took one more look at Mitch who was now smiling at him with a pink tinge to his cheeks.

     "That is fantastic to hear, son." Mike and Nel shared a sweet smile to hear their friend was doing well. A phone rang at the table and Mitch jumped up.

     "Oh! Gotta take this one," And he was headed out the back door onto the patio. Scott watched with a frown.

     "Hey, baby." Mitch was actually excited to tell his boyfriend about his day.

     "Hey, what are you up to?" Beau's voice made him smile. He missed his man.

     "Nothing much. My parents, Scott, and I just were finishing up dinner. I got to go see Scott's mom today. It was amazing. I love that woman so much." Mitch's cheeks were starting to hurt from how hard he was smiling.

     "That is really great to hear, baby. I can't wait to see you. I miss you."

     "I miss you too. I'll be home in like, three days. And don't forget to pick me up from the Airport on Thursday."

     "I won't baby! Oh! Adam must be here early. He's is banging on the door now, so I gotta go. I love you. Have a good night's sleep." He could hear Beau blow a kiss into the phone and end the call before he could reply. Mitch frowned. He brushed it off and headed back inside. He saw the table partly cleared and Mike doing the dishes.

     "Scott went to your room I think, said he was super tired."

     "Thanks for dinner, Dad. Love you, Mom!" He called out into the house and smiled when he heard an 'I love you' back. He walked into his room and saw Scott sitting on the bed scrolling his phone. "Hey, Scotty." The blonde looked up. "All ready for bed?"

     "Yep, just waiting for you." Mitch smiled and headed to the bathroom to get ready. He felt a little weird about sleeping with Scott in his bed after that phone call with his boyfriend, but he was just comforting Scott in his time of need, wasn't he? He shook the thought from his mind and continued back out into his bedroom. Scott was now under the blanket. Mitch walked to his bag, pulled out a sleep shirt and changed for the night. He crawled into bed next to Scott and slid close until his front touched Scott's back, his arm wrapped around the wide torso. Scott scooted back into him, pressing their bodies more fully together and laced his fingers with Mitch's.

     "Goodnight, Scotty," Mitch said sweetly.

     "Goodnight, Mitchy." Scott brought Mitch's fingers to his lips, kissing his knuckles. Mitch was only feeling slightly guilty.

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