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05 heat

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When I came home from work, I found a bag outside my door. Curious, I looked around to see if someone had misplaced it, but there wasn't a single soul in sight. I bent, peering into the bag.

Four fresh new jars of peanut putter.

I didn't know what to make of it. I glanced back at Mason's door. It was locked, and I couldn't tell whether he was inside or not. I picked up the bag, and entered, setting it on my counter.

Asher had phoned, suspicious as to why there'd been no transactions on the card he'd given me. I told him I had gotten a job, and he freaked out.

But I assured him that I was fine and that he really needed to stop with his man tantrums. I understood him, though. In the end, all he wanted was for me to be happy.

"So, you survived a day at Charley's?" Rhia asked me, the next day.

I had just finished cleaning up a table when I responded. "I guess so, yeah."

What I hadn't survived was Mason treating my wounds then practically assaulting me with his wet locks. And then there was the new addition of the peanut butter case. But Rhia didn't need to know that.

"I've never been to that place. But from what I've heard... it's shady." She paused. "Don't go alone next time."

I held back a smile. "Okay."

I was meant to have picked up my car from there a few days ago, but I didn't really want to see Mason again. I'd been avoiding him the whole week, sneaking out early and coming back late.

I couldn't deal with the onslaught of emotion he invoked in me. My nerves were on end around him, and it disarmed me, made me feel weak. He saw right through me. He could see my weaknesses, my soft spots, and he knew how to manipulate them too.

"Hey." Rhia nudged me. "You're okay, right? Tell me if you need some time off."

I smiled. "It's nothing. Don't worry, I'm fine."

Rhia nodded slowly, as if she didn't fully believe me. She bid me a temporary goodbye, balancing five full plates on her arms.

I'd seen her balance two more than that over the past few days. Seven full plates on her arms. She had to be breaking some sort of record.

The most I could balance was three.

Rhia had bumped my hip, making me almost drop the plates and called me, and I quote "a weak ass beotch."

The girl was positively insane, but I loved her all the same.

College was starting next week, and I couldn't believe it, but I was looking forward to it. As much as I enjoyed Rhia's company, I really needed a break from the restaurant.

I'd been spending most of my time here. Waiters and waitresses bustled around, nearly knocking me over. Aletta was busy today.

By 6 o'clock, I was balancing four plates on my forearms. Rhia's sharp eyes caught me, and she didn't let it go easily.

"WORK IT, GIRL, WORK IT!" she yelled, from across the restaurant. Some of the other waitresses chuckled, knowing her wild nature.

People turned their heads to watch, and I laughed nervously, my cheeks ablaze. Was she trying to scare all the customers away?

Finally, when 11 o'clock came around, I was more than happy to untie the apron around my neck.

"How much have you made today?" Rhia asked.

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