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     The Chicken and The Eagle
            Is this your life?

  There once lived a farmer who was raising a nesting hen.  One day,  while hunting in the forest,  he found nest; in it was an eagle's egg.  He brought it home and put it in the nest together  with the hen's eggs.  After hatching,  the chicks grew up together,  learning and experiencing the same kind of life.
     We know that the life of a chicken is different from an eagle's.  The chicken roams around picking up worms and thrown out grains,  loves to play in the dirty mud and canals,  which oftentimes are the source of his food and water.  The chicken is weak and vulnerableto sicknesses and diseases.  On the other hand,  the eagle rules the air.  It flies freely without limit.
It can fly and soar above the storms.  The eagle eats fresh fruits and drinks clean spring water.  It is strong,  courageous,  and powerful.
       Why did the eaglet experience the lowly life of a chick?


   One day, when the chicken and the eaglet were in the fields,  they heard a sound and saw a GIGANTIC eagle flying above them.  The eagle whistled out loud.  When the eaglet heard the strange voice,  HIS HEART WENT OUT WITH HIM,  for he used to hear only the voices of the chicken. Again,  the eagle whistled even louder.  This time the eaglet came to recognize the voice and understood in his heart that it was his father saying.... "SON, COME TO ME,  I AM YOUR FATHER WHO HAS BEEN SEEKING FOR YOU SINCE THE DAY YOU WERE SEPARATED FROM ME. " Immediately,  he bwgun to flap his wings and started to fly to meet his father.  His father took him to himself to be with him forever,  SINCE THEN,  THE EAGLET LIVED THE ABUNDANT LIFE THAT HAS LONG BEEN PREPARED FOR HIM... fresh fruits,  clean spring water,  freedom to fly and soar,  reigning and ruling in the air with his father.
     Like the eaglet that was separated from his father by the farmer,  you were also separated from God by the devil.  It is the reason why you have experienced a life that is not destined for you., but God is calling you to come to Him now!
   Do you want to be saved and be freed from the turmoil of life? Then,

•Recieve Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Jesus answered,  "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.
                               John 14:6

Salvation is found no one else,  for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.
                               Acts 4:12

•In Him,  you will find peace.

  Peace I leave for you;  my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
                              John 14:27

• He is the great Physician.

He himself bore our sin in his body on the tree,  so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
                                   1 Peter 2:24

He is willing and able to give you wealth and abundant life.

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,  that though he was rich,  yet for your sakes he became poor,  so that you through  his poverty might become rich.
                          2 Corinthians 8:9

•He is your light,  He will guide and direct you in all your ways.

The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.
                                   John 1:9

       You need to establish a right relationship with God and receive  everlasting life to rule  and reign with Christ Jesus forevermore.

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