The Start

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(Whole story is in Blair's point of view)

Start Facetime call:

Blair: "Hey Mom, hey Dad.  I'm super excited to be coming home for Christmas this year!"

Mom: "Oh darling we are, too!"

Dad: "We cannot wait to see you! *woof* Oh and Blitz is excited, too!"

Blair: "My plane leaves at 7:00 tomorrow morning, so I should be there around 3:00 - 4:00 tomorrow afternoon."

Mom: "Ok great hunny!  Can't wait to see you!"

Blair: "Bye!  Love you!"

Mom and Dad: "Bye!!"

End Facetime call.

Back story:

I can't wait to go home this year!  Christmas in Leavenworth is so beautiful and magical!  

I was born and raised in Leavenworth, Washington.  Then, when I was 18, I moved to New York, New York to go to NYU college.  I went to NYU for four years, then did went to graduates school for two years and got my Degree in Marketing Management and Degree in Business Administration. 

I am currently the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) for Sterling Industries in the Empire State Building.  I also live in a penthouse on Murray Street in Tribeca, Manhattan.

I love my life, but there is one small thing missing.  I do not have a man in my life.  I have always been consumed in work, so I never had time to go online, or get set up, go out and meet guys, go on dates, etc.  But this Christmas, I am determined to find the one.

It is 8:30 in the morning, and I head to my office now to finish up a few things before I have to leave tomorrow.  I hail a taxi and ask the driver to bring me to my office. 

In the car I put on some last minute lipstick and check my hair.  I have on my black pants, white top, big black coat, my light brown scarf, my nude stilettos, and my purse.

As I'm walking to my office upstairs:

Blair: "Sarah, are there any missed messages for me, or any messages from Joan White about the investment deal?"

Sarah: "No ma'am, but there is a message for you from Mr. Jerry Pike about his stock."

Blair: "Ok, please call him back and send the call to me on line 2."

Sarah: "Yes ma'am."

Blair: "Thank you."

I sit down in my office. 

My office is white, it has my big desk with my computer and laptop on it, I have my wire phone, my work cell phone, and behind me, I have huge windows where I can see all of New York. 

I love my job.

It is nearing 5:00 pm and I had just finished up my last minute assignments.

As I'm leaving, I see Sarah is still here:

Blair: "Hey are you about finished up?"

Sarah: "Yes ma'am, I just need to email your deposition to Mr. Sterling.  The one you're presenting to the company after the holidays."

Blair: "Ah yes thank you.  Are you going anywhere for the holidays?"

Sarah: "I'm going to my parents house in Boston in a few days.  What about you?"

Blair: "I'm going to my parents house in Leavenworth, Washington tomorrow."

Sarah: "Sounds like fun!"

Blair: "Have a great holiday Sarah!  See you in January."

Sarah: "Bye Blair!  Merry Christmas!"

Once I've left work, I decided to head down to my favorite little café "Jingle Brooke Café".  I go there all the time and I love the owner, Mrs. Mary.

I say hi to Mrs. Mary real quick, and grab my usual, grande latte with one sweeten low with a hint of chocolate creamer.

I am back at my apartment and finish packing for my trip.  I have 3 weeks off work, it is December 9 right now and I don't have to go back to work until January 3.

It is 8:00 pm and I make some spaghetti and meatballs real quick, turn on a Christmas movie, and eat.  I end up watching three Christmas movies on the couch.

It is now 11:30 and I am now extra tired.  So, I decide to go to bed.

So exited for tomorrow!  I finally get to see my family; it has been six years. 

(Went to college at 18, finished college at 22, graduate school till 24, now is 26.  Saw parents Sophomore year in college at age 20)

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