The Plane Flight

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

My alarm goes off.

I wake up and check the time.  It is 5:30 in the morning and I have to get ready to go.  My flight leaves at 7:00.

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom.  I brush my teeth and wash my face and go to get my clothes from on my dresser.  Since it is a six hour flight, I am not going to wear anything too nice.  So, last night I set down what I was wearing so I don't have to worry about digging in my bag. 

I put on my black leggings, white sweater, brown booties, and my burgundy scarf.  I go into my light bag and take out my makeup.  I put on some concealer, mascara, bronzer, and I do my eyebrows.  Then, I take out my curling iron and curl my longish dark brown hair with light brown highlights.

Once I am done, I grab my phone off my charger, my charger, my work phone, my purse, keys, and sunglasses.  I stuff half the stuff down in my purse.  I then grab my carry-on bag with my laptop and some extra things I might need like earbuds or any of my work items.  Once I grab that, I get my suit case and head down the elevator.  Luckily where I live, the elevator is in my house so that it is easier for me. 

When I'm downstairs, I go straight to the valet and give him my name.  He goes and grabs my car and helps me put my luggage in the trunk.  I thank him and drive off.

It is now 6:15 in the morning, and I am at TSA.  On my ticket, I see that I have TSA Pre-check so I get to go in a separate line that is faster.

When I get past TSA, I head straight to the first class check-in.  Once they find my name in the system, someone escorts me to the lounge.  I sit there on my phone for a while, until 6:45, when they tell me it is time for me to board.

When I get on the plane, I head to my little cabin and get situated. (*pictured above*)

I set my laptop down on the table area and put my carry on bag in front of me on the ground under the T.V.

It is now 7:00 and the plane is taking off.  About 10 minutes after the plane takes off, the flight attendants say that it is ok to turn on all electronic devices.  So, I turn on my laptop, connect to the plane's wifi, and check my emails.

I have one email from my boss, Mrs. Livingston (Marie) and one from Sarah.

Email from Marie:

"Hi Blair!  Hope you have a great holiday!  Your deposition looks great and I can't wait to see you present it!  See you January 3 for work and to see your deposition!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Marie Livingston
CEO of Sterling Industries
350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118"

I replied back with:

"Hey Marie!  Glad you liked the deposition!  You have a good holiday yourself and I'll see you in January!!

Blair Elswood
CFO of Sterling Industries
350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118"

I checked my email from Sarah after I replied to Marie.

Email from Sarah:

"Hi Blair!  Have a good holiday!  I emailed your deposition to Marie last night and she said she would read over it.  You probably have heard from her already. 
Have a good holiday!  See you in January!

Sarah Thompson
CFO Assistant of Sterling Industries
350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118"

I replied to Sarah with:

"Hi Sarah!  Thank you so much!  Yes I did hear back from her, thank you!  Have a good holiday!

Blair Elswood
CFO of Sterling Industries
350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118"  

It is 7:30 and I just finished my emails.  I still have 5 hours and 40 minutes (to be exact) till we land.  So, I decided to order some food and turn a Christmas movie on, on the T.V.

I ordered some orange juice, a breakfast sandwich, and a fruit cup.  I didn't have breakfast.

It is now 8:23 and I finished eating and one of the flight attendants picked up my dishes.  The movie is still going on so I decide to recline my chair a bit, pull out the pillow the plane provides, pull out the blanket the plane provides, and I slowly drift to sleep.

When I wake up, it is 12:46, so I have about 30 minutes until we land at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. 

So, for the rest of the flight, I decide to watch some Netflix on my laptop. 

I am able to watch one episode before they tell us to turn off electronic devices, pull seats up, buckle up, and prepare for landing.

When we land, I get off the flight and walk to where they directed me to go.

The other day I went online and rented a 2018 Toyota RAV4 XLE from the SEA-TAC Car Rental.  So, after I got off the flight, I head to the car rental area and pick-up the car.

It is 1:45 in the afternoon, so I head out to Leavenworth now.

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