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I hate being controlled. I mean this is MY life, isn't it? Given these circumstances, I should be able to control myself. Right?! Don't you feel the same way? I feel trapped. In a box. On the side of the road. Left alone. Abandoned. It's a box with chains, bricks, locks, bolts. Force. Weight. I'm being held down, and I can't escape. I'm stuck. I need help.

I'm lost. I'm nonexistent. To all, even to myself. I'm not trying to commit suicide. I just want to go on a vacation, for once. I need a solution to my problems. Urgently, please. Help me. My mother told me that I was on a diet. And so did my father. And my brother. All but my grandmother. But she did say that I WAS GAY. But I'm not. Honest. There are differences. There are different names for a reason. I am not gay. It's impossible for me to be gay- I am a girl, I'm bisexual. B-I-S-E-X-U-A-L.

I used to think that I was fine. Great. Just peachy. That everything would go away. And the next day, it'll be fine. I would forget. But when you have dreams or nightmares of it, nothing helps.

Imagine. Get ready.

You are on the side of the road in the same box I was in. How do you feel?

Only answer I can think of is trapped. I mean, you are in a box. With bolts, bricks, stones, locks, chains. You can't escape. How else would you describe the feeling?

I admit it. I am trapped. I push, I try to get myself out. But I'm stuck-- can't get out. Imagine you're me, just for a minute or two. How would you feel?

Held captive. What if you're held captive? I am sometimes, too. You're just making your day happen and then somebody takes you and holds you captive. Controls you and tells you what to do. And you have to do it. Or else... You'll die, and you won't be able to see your family ever again. Every second of every day counts. You, again, might feel trapped like in that box. Your life is on the line. What if the kidnapper tells you to choose one of the people you love to die first? One by one.

You don't feel safe. Well, let's be real: life isn't always safe-- the world isn't always safe. Some lessons for you are that:

1) Not being ok is OKAY.- unknown

2) Life isn't always about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.- George Bernard Shaw

3) There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book.- Josh Jameson

4) Life is a progress, not a station.- Ralph Waldo Emerson

5) Many of life's failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.- Thomas Edison 

6) Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.- Martin Luther King Jr.

7) The two important days of your life are the day: you are born and the day you find out why.- Mark Twain

8) It needs to be said and heard: It's okay to be who YOU are.- Hailee Steinfeld

9) The present is our future past, we've gotta make the moment last.- Sabrina Carpenter

10) Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important. Capture the good times. And if things don't work out, just take another shot.- Ziad K. Abdelnour

...Those were just some. There are more. But I don't want to say. The right time awaits. Keep hoping and dreaming.

Life isn't just fun and games. It's not cupcakes and rainbows, either. But it can be puzzles, chocolate, and butterscotches.

"I don't want to see you." "Get out." "Leave me alone." Once you say it, you can't take it back. Do you know a person that's hypocritical? They'll tell you those phrases and then 10 minutes or so passes and they'll come crawling back to you and you'll be like: 'Well, if you didn't want to see me and you told me to go somewhere and leave you alone, then why are over here bothering me?'

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