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I couldn't hear.
Everyone was talking, and I was silent. But I still couldn't hear a word.
Someone talked and it went through one ear and came out the other, without an understanding of what anything meant. And I was speechless. Literally. Couldn't talk even if I tried. And I tried multiple times.
But that was yesterday.
Today, I woke up with a weird sensation. My gut was right.
I had waken up not knowing where I was. I was in some room of a sort. I was on a bed.. The lights were off yet I could see one little speck of brightness. And then, out of the blank, I saw something pass through my peripheral. At first I thought I was dreaming, so I slapped myself and rubbed my eyes. I was still here, in this place....... There was no one there to comfort me. I was all alone. A loner, a loser. What had happened next was the unexpected.
Now, my experience isn't the first, nor the last. Trust me (please) when I say this: You should always plan ahead and be prepared. NEVER (EVER) have a backup plan.
There are minimum exceptions, so I may be wrong.
There was a knock at the door.
I couldn't move, for I was traumatized.
It didn't seem like a knock. Maybe, it was a tap?! I got up and walked towards what I assumed was the door. It wasn't a door..............
It was a trap. So I screamed my lungs off, and that didn't help. AT ALL. Even though the tiny room was a pit of darkness, I could see. It was a blurry, somewhat visible, sight.
It was kinda like a gift, more of a talent, to see in this foamy violence of a world.
I pushed the trapdoor open, it worked. Great √ ^.^I had screamed my head off for no apparent reason.
So, I opened the actual door, not the trapdoor, even when my mind was telling me "no." Oh, don't we love our conscience!
No one was there. Was it a coincidence? What I thought was real could be true.
It could've been a sound outside, Claire.
Clearly not.
I knew it. It couldn't have been from outside. That's impossible.
The tap of a tree from outside was hitting the window. That was NOT the same sound as what I heard, I'm sure of it.
That's what I THOUGHT.
I was struggling to contain my composure. A meteor struck at that moment.
The whole world is a washing machine. It twists, spins, whirls, and knocks us around; but in order to get to the other side of the hour glass; you need to be ready. You start by tipping over, and as sand runs down, you try to figure out the path ahead of you. And you never know when the sand will run out. You know it will. But when it does, are you ready?

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