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Dude, Shawn fucken Mendes is our new teacher

Call 91 fucking 1 dude

Lack of oxygen



I tapped the send button, then I sat quietly, while my friend was breathing out loud. Like hold your breath or something, it's loud. Either that or I get annoyed easily. After the other students started walking in, and Getting in seats. I looked up and saw Shawn with a confused look on his face, while staring at his phone.

"I hate math." Jasmine spontaneously said.

"And I hate life, yet here I am." I added

"True." She responded

I shortly noticed that I was staring at Shawn the whole time. He was moving around his fingers, if that makes any sense. Well he was typing to someone, don't know who, nun of my business. After he put his phone down. Also feeling my phone vibrate but ignoring it. He cought me staring, mentally slapped myself. He smiled at me. I felt my cheeks getting hot so I turned to Jasmine. I felt him still staring at me, I started to chew on my lip. By now my cheeks were blood shot red.

Jasmine then turned around. "girl you look like a tomatoe, did your crush wink at you or something?"

My eyes went wide open, my long time celebrity crush smiled at me, and it wasn't through screens this time. "Exactly." I managed to get out.

"Ok class, I'm your new teacher, I'm Mr.Mendes, some of you may know me, some will not. Any who I will be your music professor. I'll take it easy on you guys sense it is the first say for you guys. Y'all will love me eventually." Shawn said Making us all look at him, and pay attention. "So, I want to get to know all you guys. Please say your name and a fun fact about yourselfs." He then pointed to the way back to begin the task he gave.

For what felt like a million years it was finally my turn.

"Next." Sha-Mr.Mendes said.

"Oh, um I'm catalina and-." I managed to say, but got cut off.

"Can we just move on? Theres nothing interesting about her besides the fact that she blushes loud." A girl next to me said

And i was just standing there, looking dumb asf. But I was also telling myself not to cry. Everything went on slow mo. Just then I felt a tear coming, and it did, I felt it slide down my cheek. I have ✨anxiety✨ I then felt more, sooner or later I started gasping. I turned around so that I was facing the front of the class, also where Mr. Mendes was located. He was looking at me, looking to see if I'll probably make a fool of myself. I couldn't take it, so I ran out. I ran through the Halls of the building finding the restrooms. I entered them and locked myself in a stall. Letting all my sobbs out, I was sure i wanted to drop out already.

"Cata, where are you? Where my hoe at." A familiar voice said.

"In here." I said while opening the stall door and walking out. I saw jasmine and ran to her so I could get a hug. She gladly hugged me.

"Mr. Mendes said to get back to class." She then spilled.

"No, they are all going to stare at me." I implied

Texting Him/ Mr.Mendes (Shawn Mendes)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora