How It All Started

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I know that this story isn't good, but I really don't care because I have nothing to loose. Hopefully later on in my life I will get better at writing stories/books. I hope you don't cringe too much.

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It all started at the Golden Dragon, a local Chinese restaurant.

I had just finished my chicken and rice and was eating my desert when they brought the fortune cookies around. I don't really know why, but our family always opens the fortune cookies the same way: my dad opens his, then my mom, then me, then my sister, and last, my brother. So after my mom opened hers, it was my turn. I opened the rapper, then I cracked open the cookie. It said:

You will not get your drivers license until you are 22.

"I can see that happening being that you hate driving now," my mom said.

"Nah, I'll get my license as soon as I can, the only problem will be if I get a car before I'm 22," I replied.

My dad did a little chuckle, but didn't say anything, neither did my mom.

What we didn't know, is that fortune cookies are a little underestimated.

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