"You Won't Drive Until You're 22"

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"Ugh, I hate taking the bus to work. It's always so crowded and the smell is awful," I said out loud, not meaning for anyone to hear me.

"I know right, but it's my own fault. I'm 23 and still have to license," said a random dude that was sitting beside me.

"Same here, only I'm 22," I replied.

"Well I guess we are in the same boat then. What do you do?"

"I work as a physicians assistant at the hospital. You?"

"Really! How do I never see you? I'm one of the lab technicians!"

"No way! That's pretty cool!"

"Well, I guess that means that we can walk in together."

"I guess it does."

"Oh by the way, my name's Jem."

"And mine's Meg."

Later that day...

"Hey, Meg, you want to go to the Chinese place for lunch?" Jem asked.

"Yeah, sure."

So, we went to the Chinese place and I got the same thing as always. Then, they brought out the fortune cookies.

"You know the last time I ate Chinese was like 10 years ago. I can still remember it because the fortune cookie actually said that I wouldn't drive until I was 22, and it was right," I said.

"Wow, that's pretty weird."


We decided that I would open my cookie first since I was a lady. It said:

You will marry and have 7 kids

"Well, we don't have to worry about this one coming true. There is no way that I'm going to have 7 kids," I said.

"Let's hope not, that would be a real pain."

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