Waking up

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Anti was playing a prank on his little sister, her name was Emily. He said for her to stand on a certain part of the lake they were skating on, so she obeyed and stood there, but since they were skating she was a bit wobbly when did stand there. She looked at Anti scared "A-anti...I'm scared​..."
Anti just smiled softly "Don't worry... we're gonna have a little bit of fun instead...now do you trust me..?"
She nodded "Of course I do."
Anti smiled again "Then I need you to look​ at me.."
She kept her gaze on Anti. Anti then grabbed a stick that was thick, and it was hooked on one side of it. The ice began to break, Emily like at her brother "Anti!!!" She screamed.
Anti then hooked the stick around his sister's waist and slid her out of the way, she moved, but Anti took her place. She smiled at Anti, and Anti smiled back "Are you-..." He got cut off once the ice broke from under him, he dropped down into the water, he didn't know how to swim so he just sunk down, down, into​ the lake.

-----Years Later-----

~~~~Anti's P.O.V~~~~

"Darkness. That's the first thing I remember. It was dark, and it was cold. And I was scared"
   The silhouette of a body appears as it drifts into a ray of light, refracted through the water, which turns into a Moon, which was seen in the refection on a sheet of ice. The moonlight intensifies almost magically, and the ice above begins to spider-web and crack. Snow-covered trees in every-which way. The ice in the pond continues to crack, until finally a hole splinters open. A young man floats out of the water, bathed in the intense moonlight. This was me (Anti Frost) I was thin, pale, barefoot, my tousled hair frosted white. 

"But then...then I saw the moon. It was so big and it was so bright, and it seemed to chase the darkness away. And when it did... I wasn't scared anymore

I floated back down and the hole, which I just floated out of closes beneath me. "Why I was there, and what I was meant to do -  that I never known. And a part of me wonders if I ever will." 

I looked around, confused, I then turned around towards the the moonlight as it dims a bit. I carefully tread across the ice until until I hit something with my feet. I look down and at my feet is a wooden staff, which looks a bit familiar. Curious, I pick it up. Almost immediately the began to glow a cold blue in my hands. I almost drop it as the base of the staff comes in contact with the ground. Frost shoots out and spreads across the ice. I was visibly confused. 'Whats happening to me..??!?!'  

I touch a few trees with my staff, sending frost up their trunks. Then I swing the staff again, more confident this time, as I begin to run across the frozen pond. Another swing, and a gust of wind swirls me high up into the air. I float for a moment, only to fall back down to the earth and trees. I grab a hold of a tree branch and I pull myself up to see a small town off in the distance.  

Anti Frost meet Dark Fairy (a Danti fanfiction) (Rise of the Guardians 'parody')Where stories live. Discover now