[ faith ]

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"Now... that's quite the situation." Kim Namjoon exclaimed, as he listened to Jeongguk's story about a nice stranger, helping him out at the candy store a few days ago.

"Sure is." he agreed and sipped from his latte, watching the cars outside, passing by the coffee shop.

Namjoon looked carefully at his friend and cocked up a brow.

"Guk, I know that Hyuna leaving you was rough, but... Are you gay now? I mean, you asked out another man. Man. To dinner."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and groaned, "You know that I am not strictly playing for just one team. So, if I find some dude cute, then sure as hell I'm gonna ask him out."

Namjoon hummed, biting his cookie.

"Okay, but how is Sana gonna react to having two daddies? She misses Hyuna a lot, y'know." he made a reasonable point.

"Well, she still sees Hyuna on the regular, so I don't really think it will be a problem..."

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders, "Sana is an emotional kid, keep that in mind."

Jeongguk shook his head and ran fingers through his black hair.

"Whatever. When is the right time to call him?" he questioned and Namjoon bit his lip.

"Hmm... Now."

"Right now?"

"Yeah. Honestly, there barely is a right time for anything, so, why not?"

"True." Jeongguk nodded and got his phone out, opening it.

He scrolled through it for a few seconds before suddenly sighing loudly and putting it back in his pocket.

"We didn't think this through." the man said, rubbing his forehead.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon was confused.

"What I mean is that I forgot to get his fucking number and just gave him mine." Jeongguk groaned and his friend bursted out in laughter.

The man rolled his eyes and punched Namjoon's arm lightly.

"Shut up."

"See, maybe it's not meant to be, if he hasn't called by now."

"I said shut up. Also, I have to go pick some books up for Sana, so I will see you tomorrow."

As he was getting up from the table, and headed towards the nearest library to get some kids books for Sana, Jeongguk had no idea how wrong Namjoon was.

If anything in his life was meant to be, that was Kim Taehyung. And faith was here to prove it.

It was a huge coincidence, really, but sometimes you just need a little push from the universe. As Jeongguk was browsing through all the colorful books from the kids section, wondering what would Sana like and how it would influence her, someone stepped on his toe, then tripped over, grabbing Jeongguk by the hem of his shirt - probably to stay on their feet, but just ended up dragging him down - and dropped all the books they were carrying with a yelp.

Jeongguk let out an "ouch!", even though the stranger underneath him did soften the fall. He quickly pulled away and looked at the mess in front of him - which happened to be Kim Taehyung.

"Oh, dear lord, I am so sorry." he breathed out, locking eyes with Jeongguk. They were big, brown and absolutely terrified.

The man couldn't look away from him for a few seconds, as a chill went up his spine, but then bursted out in wild laughter.

"I imagined us meeting again over a table in a restaurant, eating weird sea food, but I guess that's even better." he winked and got up from the floor, then helped Taehyung.

The man still looked like he was about to faint and leaned against the bookshelf. Jeongguk smirked, pretty amused with Taehyung's behavior.

"You can relax, though, no one got hurt." he reassured him.

Taehyung nodded, crouching down to pick up the books he dropped, "I suppose so, yes. Once again, I apologize for my clumsiness."

"I will forgive if you come get dinner with me tomorrow."

Taehyung gave Jeongguk a confused look, but then smiled.

"Also, I will thank you for saving my life once again, 'cause if I hadn't fallen down on you, I don't think my fragile butt would have made it." the raven haired man made a sad face.

Taehyung laughed and it was music to Jeongguk's ears - so soft, so melodic, so cute and so childlike.

"Okay. It's still completely unnecessary, but okay." he agreed, not so worried anymore, which brought a smile to Jeongguk's lips.

"I will pick you up from here around seven? Is that okay?" he questioned.

Taehyung nodded with his cheeks still brightly flushed.

"Then I will see you tomorrow." Jeongguk said and walked past Taehyung to the exit, turning around for one last look before leaving.

The man tried to hold back his wide smile. Jeongguk had awoken something in him, that he hadn't ever felt before.

And he couldn't wait to see how it would turn out.

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