12 days of Christmas: Day 1, Snowball Fights

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So I'm doing a 12 days of Christmas, because why not. I will post everyday, if i don't them feel free to yell at me. They are already together in this fic and Arthur knows of  Merlin's magic. 

It started with Arthur yelling his head off at Merlin. They outside in the training field, in the snow, Merlin was dragging along swords and maces, trying to keep up with Arthur. He really couldn't feel his hands anymore, the tips of his ears were red because he forget to grab his hat. 

Arthur turned around," MERlin would you please hurry up! Today is not the day for you to act like your useless self." He said before continuing to walk off. 

That was it, Merlin was done. He dropped the weapons into the snow and took a handful of the white fluff. Curling it into a perfect ball, he quietly whispered a spell before throwing it at the back of that prats head. It hit Arthur dead on, an icy cold going down his back. He froze in his spot, slowly turning his head to face his servant. 

"I can throw you in the stocks for that." 

"I am not useless, Arthur." Merlin said, Arthur could tell he was upset. Yet he decided to have some fun first.     

"Oh, no you're not useless. No the better word is idiot." Arthur said before running at Merlin. 

Merlin's eyes went wide before he dodged Arthur's tackle. He ran for the market, having a better chance of loosing Arthur in a crowd. Merlin pushed past people as he headed for the woods, he could lose Arthur there. That was until he ran right into Gwaine, Leon, and Percy. 

"Merlin, why are you in such a hurry?" Leon asked with a smile. 

Merlin took 3 deep breaths before he spoke, "Arthur is chasing. I through a snowball at him. Don't let him get me." 

"Sorry Merlin, but there is no way I'm getting between you and princess'es relationship." Gwaine said as the other knights nodded. 

"Real friends you are," Merlin said before he heard Arthur yell his name, "Shit, gotta go." 

Merlin took off, leaving behind laughing knights as he heard Arthur getting closer. Merlin made it out of the market, and booked it right to the woods. Ducking under branches and jumping over rocks, as he made it to clearing. Leaning against a tree, he listened to his surrounds. Merlin smiled to himself, proud that he out ran Arthur. That was until a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist. Merlin let out a yelp as he was pulled into the cold snow. 

"Let me go!" Merlin yelled as snow fulled his shirt, sending a shiver through his whole body. Merlin felt a pair of strong hands grab his wrist and pin them in the snow. Looking up he saw a very smug looking Arthur sitting on him. 

"You know I can easily get you off me." 

"Yes, but you won't because you hate using your magic on me." 

"That is not true." 

"Yes it is. I'm not fighting with you about this."

"Arthur get off me."

"Nope you through a snowball at me, using magic. I know because your aim is never that good, so this is your punishment." God Merlin hated a smug Arthur. 

"You deserved it! I'm not useless. All you've done this morning was call me names. Merlin you idiot, Merlin you fool, Merlin you're useless! If I am one thing Arthur Pendragon, I am not useless." Merlin struggled against Arthur, but Arthur's grip held. 

"Let me go." Merlin's voice was sad and weak, Arthur frowned down at him.  

"Merlin you know I mean nothing when I call you those things. I do it to be playful, I never mean harm." 

"It's hard to tell. I never know if you love me like I love you. I never know if I'm just something you use for a good time. I'm sorry that you think I might be acting like a girl but it hurts. Now, Sire can you please get off of me." Merlin's eyes were red, Arthur knew he was trying not to cry. 

"Arthur. You call me Arthur. Never Sire, your highness, or my Lord. Just Arthur. Merlin I love you. I truly do, if you wish for me to stop with the names I will. It's just, I find teasing you just easier than telling you how I feel. You do it so effortlessly and I wish I could do that, but I don't know  how. But my teasing is me showing that I love you, if I wasn't to tease you anymore that would be my way of showing that I don't care. You are the only one I tease like the way I do." 

"You love me? I'm not just a fling you're going to throw away when you're done?" 

"I would never, you're mine and only mine. I wish to rule with you by my side, and only you. No one can compare." Arthur's voice was strong and firm. 

"And you are mine." Merlin said with as smile. 

"Good." Arthur said while placing a small kiss on Merlin's nose before moving to his lips. It was gentle and sweet and Merlin's favorite type of kisses. Arthur pulled back and smiled. 

"Love you, Merls." 

"Love you, too." Merlin said with a smirk. 

"Don't you dare. I know that look, I've seen it a million times. Don't even think about it." Arthur said with a glare. 

Merlin laughed as his eyes flashed gold, and a pile of snow fell onto Arthur, not a signal flake on Merlin. Arthur let out a very unmanly yelp and let go of Merlin's wrist. Merlin wiggled is way out from under Arthur and went running. 

"It's on Merlin!" Arthur said with a laugh as he ran after the man he loved. 

-The end 

This is a lot more  emotional then I thought it was going to be, but hey its done. Next one will be more Christmasy. Hope you liked it. Thanks for reading, don't be afraid to ask about what you want to see next or if you just want to talk!!  


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