Chapter Three

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"So," Cynthia sighs, leaning back in her chair, before stretching, "Still trying to finish that one report?"


"Are we still on for lunch?" Serena says eagerly, walking in the pair's office without warning and sitting on Anthony's desk.

He pushes her off with zero remorse. "Who invited you?" he mumbles with a roll of his eyes.

"Carrie," Cynthia answers with a sigh, "She seems to like her."  The team's top analyst, a straightforward blonde that lacks a filter, usually keeps her distance from new people, not wanting to make a mistake in who she lets near her.

"Is that such a big deal? That someone actually likes me?" Serena laughs to cover up the rising frustration.

"It's a big deal that Carrie has taken to an intern," Anthony explains before getting to his feet. Cynthia gives Serena a steely look, confusing Anthony as Serena seems to bend.

"Anthony, I'm sorry about how I've been to you the past few days," she looks at Cynthia who nods, "You're a really good person for wanting to look out for me and I regret not taking your advice."

Anthony cannot listen to her apology with a straight face. He looks at Cynthia with a look that seems to ask, 'What did you do?' "Aww," he gushes when Serena is finished, cheeks pink, "Someone got threatened by Cyndy."

"Don't call me that," Cynthia grumbles, seeming irritated she was caught in the act of blackmailing the cause of Anthony's anguish.

"I actually mean it, you dork." Serena punches Anthony in the shoulder, "You know I love you."

Anthony pushes her and lets out a hearty laugh. "Yep, I know you do."

"Let's go get lunch," Carrie whines from the doorway, catching the trio's attention seamlessly. "I'm starving," she adds with a dramatic pout.

"We're coming," Anthony sighs, getting to his feet and shoving his wallet into his pocket, knowing he'll most likely be covering the bill for the group's lunch. Cynthia leaves the office at Anthony's side, leading Serena to follow behind him, seeming uncharacteristically awkward and uncomfortable as Anthony, Cynthia, and Carrie converse about the case reports they're trying to finalize.

Everyone drives to the restaurant in their separate cars, but they arrive at the same exact time, a well-practiced habit from arriving to crime scenes, knowing being a little behind someone might very well spell the difference between life and death. The group of three meets at the door before going inside the warmly lit building. "I've heard great reviews about this place," Cynthia says as the hostess takes them to a table. "I love Italian food, so it has to be good."

"Fingers crossed," Anthony sits beside Cynthia, leaving Carrie and Serena to sit together on the other side of the table. The closeness between Anthony and Cynthia makes Anthony's heart race and, as Cynthia talks, his hand hovers near hers before dropping to the table. Serena smiles at her brother, the smile a small, encouraging one. He simply shrugs before carrying on with the conversation they were having, not missing a beat.

Author's Note:  So, I'm really sorry for the super short chapter here, but I'm setting up some big things in the next chapter!  Who's ready for a little drama?  And maybe seeing a little more of Anthony and Cynthia and their (possible) blooming romance?  What do you all think is going to happen next?

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