Wheelchair on a muddy path

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Moonie was abruptly awoken by yelling. God, was that all Georgia ever did? She groggily pulled herself up, her upper half at least, and tried to work out what was going on. She saw Georgia's awful hair in the distance, and she seemed to be getting closer very rapidly. She most definitely had something with her, and it was of a substantial size, but before Moonie could do anything, a waterfall of weird paper obscured her view.

''Goddamn mangaka! It was just a wheelchair! I didn't even steal it from you!''

''My point still stands. Stealing things is not the most wholesome thing to do, even if it is for someone else.''

''I have more important shit to think about, Lia. Fuck off...''

When the sheets of paper pooled onto the ground, Moonie finally got a proper view of what was going on. A young woman, a little older than Georgia and herself, had appeared from seemingly nowhere; and, from what she was hearing, Moonie could tell that the wheelchair near Georgia was stolen. The older girl seemed a lot more well-kept than Georgia, and was obviously quite well off; perhaps a school friend? ''No,'' Moonie thought, ''I doubt Georgia went to school for long.'' Moonie attempted to crawl forward to get to Georgia, but she ended up getting stuck in something. It appeared the paper that had fallen had become goo of some kind; the squelching noise alerted the others that Moonie was there, and the new girl ran over immediately.

''What the hell, Georgia? Are you okay, sweetheart? You can't be okay like this-''

''Oh, shut up Lia. She's fine.''

Lia's eyes darkened a little, and suddenly Georgia was reeling in pain. Moonie spotted a small ink blot on her companion's neck that resembled...a lion? The goo around her formed back into paper, and in turn back into an art pad, and Georgia smirked.

''You're planning on fighting me, manga bitch?''

''I suppose.''

Georgia went into a ''battle stance'' that looked exactly like something in a movie, while Lia pulled out what looked like a fountain pen. For some odd reason, she began to draw in the sketch pad casually, confusing Georgia and Moonie. She chuckled as she drew.

''I see I never showed you much of my ability.''

As she spoke, a short, fairy like stand appeared; it grabbed the pad, and stabbed the page; from it sprung a lion. That's what the blot was about. It almost immediately caught Georgia's arm, so of course she used Hollaback Girl's pain ability back; but because of her short range issue, it did nothing. Moonie was sure she heard Georgia's bones cracking as she continually yelled that she was okay, so Moonie tried her level best to get over to them; and after about five minutes of silent crawling, she managed to do so. She completely guessed what she was supposed to do, and managed to tie Lia up in the weird appendages of her unnamed stand. Unable to move, she couldn't control her inky lion, and it faded into nothing. With that, Georgia ran at Lia at top speed, and she soon began to grab her head. Her screaming filled the air, and Georgia laughed, eventually releasing Lia from her power, and gently touching her nose.

''See? Miss Paraplegic here isn't too disabled at all. Now, do me a favour and fuck off.''

When Moonie let Lia go, she bowed to the two of them. Georgia sighed.

''No need to act like the good girl here. Please just go home.''

''Stop stealing things.''

''Go home!''

''Okay then, m'lady. See you around.''

''Hopefully not, you bitch!''

That night was spent patching Georgia up as she complained about manga and Lia. Apparently they used to live in the same town; they'd never gotten on. Moonie was fairly sure she fell asleep after about three hours of Georgia's complaining. 

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