Chapter Eight

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Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better -author unknown


"Thank you so much for letting me stay here," I told Layla's father as he brought in a cot for me to sleep on.

"No problem," he responded, but when he turned to look at me, I saw pity. I hated that look.

Layla's parents never knew about my mother until my father died. They always felt guilty that they didn't realize how horrible she was to me.

"We're roomies!" Layla exclaimed after her dad left.

I got up while I said, "Yep." Even though I was happy I felt sadness come over me.

I walked over to the drawer where I kept my clothes. In case of emergency every time I would stay over I'd bring extra clothes and leave them. Now I have my own drawer.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Layla asked as she looked in the mirror that was attached to her dresser. I did the same.

"If you say a night out then this friendship is over," I responded.

"We should have a Disney Princess marathon and eat tons of junk food." I smiled.

"I'll get the food. You get the movies."

Layla jumped into action.

A few movies later Layla's mother, Mrs. Gray, came walking into the room. She saw me on the couch and smiled.

"You two are lucky that tomorrow is fall break," Mrs. Gray joked.

Layla and I said in perfect unison, "We know."

Layla's mom shook her head. "I was thinking that we could make red velvet cupcakes. We could go all out. I bought little leaves and orange frosting. Oh, you'll see!" Then she smiled and walked upstairs.

"I love your mom," I told Layla.

She responded with, "And I hate yours."

I reached down for the popcorn but there was none left. "Emergency." I held it up for Layla to see.

"I'm not sure this qualifies as an emergency."

We both got up and walked to the kitchen.

As I was grabbing the drinks, hot cocoa to be to be exact, when Layla spoke up. "What are you gonna do about Thanksgiving?" she asked.

"Ethan invited me to his place," I responded. Layla smirked. "Shut up," I said before hitting her lightly.

Layla gasped and tried to look offended. But we both ended up laughing.


"Juliette!" squealed Ethan's younger sister, Arianna, as she ran over to me.

Arianna was four years younger than me but I loved her like a sister. She looked nothing like her brother. Arianna had blond hair with pink highlights and her eyes were a deep brown. She was short causing her to always wear heels.

"Hey Ari," I said, laughing as she hugged me.

"O.m.g. You look amazing!" Arianna sang.

"Thanks," I responded. "You do too. Love the hair."

"I know right. Oh my gosh, I'm like so happy Ethan and you are friends again."

"Speaking of," I turned myself around to look at the whole room that was filled with visitors, "where is he?"

"Oh, Ethan's talking to Valentina." I felt a pang of jealousy.


It wasn't hard to find Ethan. He was the only guy in the room who appeared to be making out with another.

"Ethan?" I asked, hoping Valentina wouldn't be too mad. When he didn't answer I repeated myself. "Ethan!"

He backed away from her immediately and turned towards me.

"Hey," I mumbled as I raised my right hand to wave.

Ethan looked like he wanted to apologize but Valentina spoke first. "She's back. Babe, are you with her?" she said.

"N-," I started to say when Ethan cut me off.

"Val leave," he said. She did. It was sad how she'd let herself be treated. I turned to leave as well, but Ethan grabbed my arm.

"Yes?" I asked as I tried to ignore the pit forming in my stomach.

Ethan's blue eyes stared at mine. "You aren't mad, right?" he asked.

I looked away from his eyes. "No. Why would I be?" I asked.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? It's not like we're dating. You can kiss whoever you want."

"Okay." He gave me an evil smirk before smashing his lips on mine. I let him kiss me for a second. He's playing you, I thought, just like every other girl. I pushed him off, mumbled a goodbye to Arianna, and left. I only drove down the block so I could stop at a gas station. I got out of my car and walked into the bathroom. Ignoring the toilet, I went straight to the mirror. My face was red and puffy. My outfit -army styled skinny jeans and a black t-shirt- was tear stained.

I should have known. Ethan would never have just invited me so we could be friends. The bridge was burned the same time my father's car was hit.

I yanked my messy hair out of my face. My hands worked fast and soon I had two braided pigtails. I splashed some water on my face before grabbing my phone. Dialing the number I knew by heart I held the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" Paul answered.

A mumble came out of my mouth, "Paul it's me."


"You were right. I'm sorry I didn't believe you."


"About Ethan."

"Oh...where are you?"

"A gas station."

"I'll take you home."

"About that. I have a lot of explaining to do."

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