Chapter Two

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The small figure stood just about 3 feet. He was white and furry, and had red eyes, claws, and horns. His appearance blended in with the snow perfectly. "Who are you? Where are my friends?!" I shouted at the creature. It looked at me with tears in its eyes.

"I... y-your... the o-oth...other h-humans... th-they... they all r... ran away," it stammered and slowly backed away from me. I stepped closer to the creature and realized what it was: the Wendigo. "So you scared off my friends, cut the yarn, and now you wanna act all scared?!" I shouted at it. The Wendigo stared into my eyes and fell in the snow, crying its heart out. "I... I-I'm... I'm s-sorry, Miss! Th-they didn't... didn't l-listen to my w-warning!" I began to calm down a bit and stooped down to its level. "What warning... um, what's your name?"
The white furball looked up at me with gleaming red eyes. "M-my... I'm W-wen... Wendi. I... I t-tried... tried to t-te... tell those humans th... that my... my next... next f-form could t-take pl... place at any given moment." I was confused, but I felt like I already asked him too much. "Well," I sighed, "Do you want to go into town with me? I can find my friends and tell them that I'm not dead." Wendi stared at me for a moment, then nodded slowly. "I... I need to eat m-meat t... to s-survive out... out of t-the woods." I smiled at him and nodded. "I gotta lot of meat and stuff at my house, Wendi." Sitting in the snow, I reached out to Wendi so I could hug him. He flinched at my actions and whimpered.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Wendi. I just want to hug you, okay? It's alright." He stared at me for a bit, then he slowly dragged his hoofed feet towards me and went into my hug. He whimpered a little and I giggled quietly. Wendi began to warm up to it and slowly returned the hug. I let him go and held his hand as I walked down the hill to the town. "Be c-careful!" Wendi stopped walking and looked up at me. Tears stained his cheeks when I turned to face him.
"What are you talking about?" I chuckled softly. "My l-last for... form!" he screamed, "I-I'm gonna k-kill you, Miss! R-run!!!" Wendi held his head and snarled. He began to grow until he was about 7 feet tall. Flabbergasted and frightened by the sight, I ran down the hill and into the town, going down the street until I found my friends in the park's new ice skating rink. "Guys! Guys, it's me, Nichole!!" I screamed and fell over on the skating rink, sliding over to Larry on my butt.

Adrian grabbed my shoulders and looked me up and down for injuries. "Nicki, I was so worried about you!!" she squealed, "What took you so long?! I knew it was a horrifying idea! What happened out there?!" I pushed her away from me and I explained myself to them. "I was in the woods and I got sidetracked by the amazing things that I saw.
There were icicles hanging from the trees, large snow mounds, and even a frozen lake. I turned around to leave, but I saw that the yarn was cut. I followed the remaining string and didn't see you guys. Soon there after, I heard a whimpering sound and saw the Wendigo that was in the woods." My friends remained silent.

"... Wow." Ray blinked at me and ran his hand through his brown hair. "Well, now that it's all over, we can inside my place and get some hot chocolate going," Jaxon offered, "As long as you didn't get hurt, we're glad you're still here, Nichole." I nodded my head and headed to the house with my friends. Well, until I heard a strange growl come from the woods.

"What the hell was that?!" Larry asked, sweating a little. I immediately regretted not telling my friends about the Wendigo's different forms. But then I thought about something.'If that was just Wendi in his second form, and I saw him in his third... then what about the first?'

A large, white and red skinny creature jumped into the skating rink as we were about to leave. The people that were there already freaked out and ran around, screaming and taking up their children. "RUN!!!" Ray ran off with the crowd and the rest of us followed. I kept hearing so many screams, possibly children being taken away for Wendi's next lunch.
I couldn't take it anymore and let go of Adrian's hand.
"Wait! Nichole, st-!" Her words were cut off as I ran towards the woods, though I knew that Wendi was already there, possibly finishing off his last captive. I ran pass the thick trees and spotted something in the snow. 'Blood,'  I thought. That was when I felt two large hands place themselves upon my shoulders. The smell of blood was now very strong, and a bone crushing pop rang in my ears, making me jump.

"HeY, MIsS," said the distorted voice behind me. I knew it was Wendi, but I was too afraid to look at him. "I SeE yoU foUNd mY TraiL. I cAn bE morE cArefUL nEXt tIme, bUt I'm stiLL HungRy!!!" He threw me into the snow and I shivered when my coat fell off, revealing my pastel pink sweater and gray scarf. Wendi cackled and I gagged at what popped in my ear… a poor little girl's head. I screamed and burst into tears.
"Get away from me!!! I'm not gonna be your next victim!! Those poor children have lost their lives to your greed!!" I threw a snowball at him and hid behind a nearby tree. When I peeked out, Wendi held his head again and screamed. His monstrous form was changing into a more humanly figure. He laid against a tree and breathed heavily as he slid down to the snow.

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