Chapter Three

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I crept over to Wendi and stared at him. He was almost human, except for the fact that he still had his horns, goat ears, and hooves. 'So this is his first form,' I thought as I ran my hand through his surprisingly soft brown hair.

The scary part about him was that he wasn't wearing any clothes, so I threw my coat on him and sat him up. In this form, he breathed easily again, yet he looked... cute. 'Nicki, please. He killed people! Children at that! But he's so handsome, and he's tall. Look, 5 feet eight inches! He can get stuff for you! You're short, remember? We're just friends. Oh, sure.' My head was practically playing ping pong about my feelings for Wendi.
'He probably won't like you. What if he does? We're just friends. Friends with benefits!'
"Oh, shut up!!" I yelled at myself and threw up my hands. That was when I heard a familiar, yet slightly deeper voice. "W-who are... who are you t-talking to?" I turned around to see Wendi staring at me with a worried look about him. I blushed lightly and smiled. "Just talking to myself, Wendi. I'm glad you're feeling better now." He crossed his legs and covered his self with the coat.

"Why am I-I wear, wearing th-this?" he asked. I giggled at his stutter. "You're naked, silly. That's why I covered you in my coat. You can keep it though, Wendi." He nodded his head and stood up with a little help from me. "My, my n-name is... isn't Wen-Wendi," he chuckled. "Oh?" I said when we came back down the hill and headed to the skating rink. We sat down on a bench and noticed that no one else but us was around.
"M-my... my real name, name i-is Matthew. S-sounds stu... stupid, huh?" He buried his face in the sleeves on my coat and I laughed. "Not at all, not at all. In fact, everyone calls me Nichole because it's my middle name. My name is actually Mi'chelle." Wendi, I mean, Matthew, pulled his head up a bit and one of his goat ears perked up. "That's a very handsome name for a very handsome young man."

I immediately regretted what I said and I began to sweat. "I-I'm sorry! Th-that just slipped from my mouth! Dang it!!" I was flustered and I hid my face in my sweater sleeves. Matthew chuckled and moved my hands from my face. "Th-that's... that's a pr-pretty pretty name for a pre... pretty girl," I looked into his medium blue eyes and blushed hard when I noticed that he was also blushing.
We both laughed and talked for a while until we both decided to go to my house.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip brought to you by Matthew's goat horns~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It had been two months ago when I first met Matthew out in the snow. Adrian and the boys befriended him, and I found a way for him to go to school with us. I found out a lot of things from him: he was 19, thought that people made ice cream from goat milk, and he hated mayonnaise.  We were at home and I was chillin' like a villain on my bed. Matthew was drawing in a little sketchbook I got him for Christmas.
"H-hey, Mi... Mi'chelle?" Matthew said, flopping onto the bed and staring at me. I pulled back my book and smiled at him. "What is it, Matt? Is it almost time for another episode of your Wendigo form? I'll go get some hot dogs, okay?" I hopped out of bed and headed to the doorway, only to get stopped by my goat/human friend. He shook his head and blushed hard when I cocked my head to the left side a bit.

"I... I-I gotta te... tell you s-something I've been tr-trying to say since I f-first, first saw you in the s-snow ba... back then," he blushed, scratching the back of his head as he gave me quick glances. I blinked twice and my eyes stared into his. "What is it then, Matthew? Is something wrong or bothering you?" He sighed and took up my hand. I was a little confused about this situation, but then my heart skipped a beat.
Matthew kissed my hand. I gasped and looked at him. He blushed deeply and started talking again. "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry i-if I freaked you out... or any, anything, Mi'chelle." I could almost hear fireworks going off in my head. As I came back to reality, I smiled, licked my lip, and kissed him on his cheek. "I love you too, 'Wendi'." He laughed and kissed my lips. I made a muffled surprised sound, but then I kissed back.

"Th-that, that's Matthew to... to you," he smirked. "I like you either way," I winked at him and ran outside to enjoy the rest of the day with my new best friend... well, boyfriend.

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