Chapter 1 - Belle

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I'm not sure how to describe how I became acquainted to Damon Kingsman. The first time I saw him, he was a nobody playing basketball with his brothers. He was introduced to me in the midst of a terror-filled evening in which the apocalypse became a reality. The first time we spoke was a screaming match in which he demanded that we save his father and I demanded that getting the kids out of the school had to be our priority. This happened all the same evening, mind you.

The rest is a bit blurry after that - the hours following our escape from the school, I mean. It was a hurry of shoving my whole life in a backpack and saving my best friend from her zombie family. And I guess that when you're constantly fearing for your life, a little humor can take the edge off. I joke around with Damon about that - I only keep him around for his corny jokes when we're on 2 AM watch.
We're an odd pair, that's for certain. Before, I was a quiet introvert with two left feet, and he was a ragged-looking thug with a hot-headed temper. Now I'm more careful in my footing, have more things to say, and he's mellowed out and cut his hair.

It doesn't matter how we met - we're here now, he's my best friend, and he tells some pretty funny jokes to take the mind away from the blood and death. I love him.


I sit in front of Melinda as she pulls my thick brown hair into a tight brad. We're the only two awake and up out of the tents. "How'd you sleep?" I ask, fiddling with my hands in my lap as I sit on the wooden bench.

"Same as always." She replies in a quiet voice. I know that she has a foam pad or two to sleep on - but it doesn't ready matter these days. The ground's still the ground and your back still hurts when you wake up.

"Run through the chore list." Yawning, I rub my eyes and quickly hand her one of my fraying ponytails.

"Jackson has dishes." She starts, sitting down next to me. "Brooke, Rebecca, and Stefan can do laundry."

"If the kids are going to get bathed today, then maybe they should start on the laundry. It would be nice to have a clean pair of clothes. We can dry them by the fire." Yawning, again, I bend down to get my legs all warmed up for the day.

"You always have the more helpful solutions." She muses, glancing down at me.

"I do write apocalypse stories." I smirk at her. "I'll go wake them up.

The preteens all sleep in one tent - the four of them. It's kind of awkward for them - but there isn't the room to fit them anywhere else. I squat down in front of the tent and unzip the door loudly. Stefan sits up immediately - groping for his glasses. Putting them on clumsily, the thirteen year old blinks at me. "Morning, Belle."

Staring at the four of them, I am reminded by the fact that all of them are thirteen - and most certainly are not preteens. Who cares - they may as well be preteens.

"No. Not time to get up." Jackson mumbles and curls up into a ball.

"You can sleep in, Jackson." I call. "I only need you three awake for laundry."

"Are you kidding me?" Stefan sighs, poking my sister Brooke next to him.

"Gonna be a long day." I tell him, and then stand. Sighing, I walk back to Melinda knowing that Stefan will wake the girls up. "Breakfast?"

"Want some peanut butter slathered on some crackers?" She shoots back at me.

"How about I share a granola bar with Damon and then do a perimeter check?" I retort.

"Wake up Ares and you can go with him."

"Fine." I sigh.

Kristen McGowan's infamous song, "Smash it, tap it, click it, like it!", has thus been adapted from YouTube purposes to Wattpad purposes.

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(It's a work in progress okay?)

I'm excited to be back with my family (hugs my cast of characters that don't exist and cries just a little bit)

Zombies will be appearing soon, and the ever-anticipated drama will be too.

Many hugs of thanks - except to @hufflelove, who even though she wanted me to post, won't let me write with her constant pestering.

Love ya, sis.

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-Kate ^-^

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