Chapter 2 - Belle

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"Damon, if you don't wake up right now I'm going to eat this whole granola bar and you'll starve until lunch." 

"Belle." He growls, popping his black curly head out of the sleeping bag. "Don't you dare." His dull green eyes show a murderous hint. 

"Shush. Your brothers are still asleep." I inform him, gesturing to Doug and Alec while falling out of my squat to sit in the corner. Usually Damon's awake with the sun, but I know Alec had nightmares last night. And since Terry's not here - the role of father figure falls to Damon. 

Terry and Travis, I guess you could say, are our leaders. Terry is hilarious and a little bit insane - while his counterpart Travis is a little bit more  inside the the box and structured. I love to sit in on conversations with Terry in them - and a conversation with both of them fighting in it is comical - but most of the time Damon and I have to keep the kids away from that conversation. 

"Get out. Don't eat the granola bar. Give me three minutes." He tells me, sitting up and shaking out his head. 

"That granola bar will be gone in two and a half minutes." I warn him, standing and exiting the tent. He throws a shirt at me. "Meet me at Ares' tent." I point a finger at him, he nods, ,and then I zip up the Kingsman tent, crossing the clearing. 

Rebecca, bleary-eyed, sits at the table - and Melinda is doing her hair. She's basically the designated person to do our hair. If we asked Ashley, she'd probably scream at us. And obviously we're too inept - I'm sixteen years old and I can't braid my hair. I can barely put my hair in a ponytail. 

I walk over to the tent that Ares, Tyson, and Billy share. This is stupid - needing an adult to do a perimeter check. I'm hesitant to open the tent door - as these are all people that I'm mostly unfamiliar with. I knock on the tent flap and I hear a groan in response. Oh wait - Ares is the only one in there - Tyson and Billy went on the mission. "Ares - up!" 

"I did midnight watch - let me sleep!" The twenty-three year old screams at me. 

"Perimeter check!" I scream back at him, and then regret it. The kids - we want them to sleep in. 

"Who's on watch?" He asks, unzipping the tent and poking his head out. His brown semi-long hair is damp - like he bathed after watch last night. 

"Melinda?" I call out, and she turns. I tap my wrist - where a watch would be. 

"Ashley." She answers, and finishes Rebecca's hair off. Rebecca heads back to her tent, where Stefan is stumbling out. 

"Ashley." I report to Ares - who nods and goes back into the tent. 

"Let's go relieve her then. She's been out there for more than four hours, maybe." I walk away from the tent, taking the granola bar out of my pocket. There's suddenly a high-pitched screech as Damon grabs the granola bar. 

"Oh thank god, you didn't eat it."  

"I have a heart." I grumble as he rips open the package and divides it perfectly with me. 

"I know. But you also have a stomach." He winks at me, and I go throw away the wrapper. 

"You didn't want some peanut butter crackers, right?" I ask, looking him over. He's wearing sweats, a wife-beater tank, and his pair of Converse with the green laces. 

"No. Let the kids have them." He smiles at the ground. 

"They need it more. We can survive." I tell him, to reaffirm him. 

"Ares up?" 

"Yep." I nod, seeing him exit the tent - a disheveled mess. "Let's go." I nudge Damon. 


Well, hello there! 

I just remembered that I said I'll update Choose Me today - so I guess I have to do that before I leave in the next - ah - fifteen minutes. 

Thanks to everyone. 

Read, vote, comment, share. 

-Kate ^-^

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