Divergent: Jeanine's Story

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Jeanine's POV

I was scared-- well honestly, I was terrified. It was Choosing Day, and I was terrified. My parents were dead while my siblings all left, well except my sister... for now. I know for a fact she's leaving, always saying she isn't smart. I turned to look at her, with terror. She seemed calm, almost scary calm, not a thing fazing her. 

"You OK?" She asked, turning to look at me, her eyes closed, not showing the metallic gray color they are.

"Aren't you scared?" I asked her, feeling strange as she opened her eyes, sharp gaze resting on me.

"Of course I am, but I'm ignoring it. Jeanine, I have to go... even if I get Erudite on my aptitiude test, I'm not wanted here." She paused, before looking me in the eyes, "You can't trust the test, no one can. It doesn't work, if you get angry with the choice the test gave you. Don't blame anyone, blame the test. Pick the place you WANT to go, not to where the test wants you to go. If only we were all Divergent, imagine it."

My jaw dropped to the floor, "You can't be serious?! The test always is right. And Divergent?! EVERYONE?! Elizabeth what are you thinking?"

"Just shut the f**k up Jeanine. I don't want to hear this type of stuff. I'm going, and you're going to follow the test. If you get a stiff faction like our Abnegation  brother I swear, you won't be happy." Elizabeth snapped. 

We had three older brothers at the time, according to our mother, 'one for every faction' or whatever that means. Yes, our parent's died, or well were killed. I don't know why nor does Elizabeth, but our brothers seem to. Everyone thinks the Matthews are perfect for Erudite but you can tell my brothers and sister hate it. They say people seem to smart for their own good, but I just like knowledge, while Elizabeth says 'some things are better secrets than not known.' It seems foolish, but I agree with her.

" I'm sorry Jeanine, just whatever you get, visit me?" She asked. 

"Of course... I will, always be there for you." I answered, hesitently, remembering faction before blood.

"Ignore that rule, it's stupid, of course our Factions are important but what of our families we left behind? They'll always be in our heart and our minds." Elizabeth sighed. The car jerked to a stop, "We're here." she whispered.


This is only the prolouge of the story. It's probably terrible but we're trying. Don't get all mad because it's sh**ty okay? Okay. Thats what I thought. 

We DO NOT own Divergent or any characters but we do kind of own Elizabeth and the initates, and other people you have never heard of in your entire f*cking life.

~Elizabeth & Elizabeth (yes those are our real names)

Private Wattpads: misselady and midnightkitty

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