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This is what I think their diets would be like:

Osomatsu: omnivore / junk food
Karamatsu: omnivore / meat!
Choromatsu: omnivore verging vegetarian
Ichimatsu: omnivore / fish, seafood
Jyushimatsu: omnivore / sweets
Todomatsu: vegan / veggies

Osomatsu wouldn't care about what he eats, so long as it tastes good and he can drink bear with it.

Karamatsu loves his meat, but makes sure to eat healthy enough to keep in shape.

Choromatsu likes fish and small amounts of meat with his rice, but mostly eats vegetables.

Ichimatsu likes fish/seafood and receives a lot of teasing from his brothers about it. How he's just like a cat. He'll eat other meats, but would take a fish based dish over pork.

Jyushimatsu loves all foods, but especially sweets! Not so much candy as deserts. He loves going out with Todomatsu to cafés to try different kinds of cakes and sweets.

Todomatsu would definitely go vegan for vain reasons. He wouldn't really care about how it affects animals. He'd just want to pick the healthiest diet that would keep him in good shape.

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