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Long ago before what to us fans knew as Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve and Bucky looked exactly like they do now but there is a reason for that. The Truth is that Steve and Bucky are the kings of the supernatural World... no not Supernatural the TV show though one can wish but of all supernatural creatures.

They made themselves look young after a tragedy happened a few years back when Bucky gave birth to their baby boy they were happy and their kingdom was field with joy... this seriously sound like some cliché fairy tale doesn't... oh well back to the story, the kingdom was just happy ok until who we know as Howard Stark stole their child away along with his wife Maria Stark.

Steve found about this when he found Bucky is their child's nursery crying against his cot with no child. Steve was furious but he had to do something to get his mind off all of it he and Bucky decided to go into the human world where almost half of the population are either supernatural or not. Steve decided turn into a twenty five year old who was always bullied for being weak for his age.

Bucky went for a version of himself but younger and shorter hair who was Sergeant in the army. As you all know what happened from there what you don't know is that a little Genius, Billionare, "Playboy", philanthropist is about to get the shock of his life.

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